Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]

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A few months after your balcony adventure, you and Jack were getting ready for a red carpet event for your friends Casar and JJ. Jack had spoiled you with a spa day and the two of you were currently at a lingerie store picking out something sexy for after.

While you were trying on a few options, Jack had excused himself to make a purchase of his own, shoving a small plastic shopping bag into his pocket when you showed him what you picked. "What are you up to, Maynard?" you asked, stepping back so he could join you in the changing room.

"Just a surprise for tonight." he said, looking you up and down. "Babe, you look incredible." Jack pulled you into a kiss and then whispered in your ear. "I can't wait to rip it off of you later tonight."

"All in good time." you said, pushing him out of the changing room.

When the both of you were getting dressed for your friend's big night, Jack cleared his throat and grabbed your dress from you, laying it back down on the bed. "I have something for you, love."

"Is this something for me or something for you?" you laughed, knowing Jack had bought something from the kinkier side of the lingerie store.

"Both." he said, backing you into the bedroom wall. "Close your eyes."

"As you wish." you replied, kissing him and closing your eyes.

Jack had you pinned to the wall, one hand rubbing your clit through your brand new lacy panties. "You're gonna love this." he said, slipping a tiny cold something into the front of them and resting it against your clit.

"What is that?" you asked, your eyes still closed.

"Guess." he said, clicking something in his hands.

"Oooo." you whimpered, feeling the tiny toy gently vibrate against your now sensitive clit. "Mmmmm, I didn't think we had time to play before we had to leave." you said, opening your eyes.

"We don't" he said, backing away and handing you your dress.

Your mouth dropped open realizing that Jack wanted you to wear the toy to the premier. "Oh, you're mean." you said, watching him click the second setting. "Ahhh." You tried to hold in your breathy moan. "I won't be able to hide it on that setting."

"I promise I won't be too mean." He said, turning it off.

Pulling on your dress, you turned so Jack could zip you up. "How long have you wanted to do this one?" You asked him.

"I just felt inspired seeing it in the store." He replied, kissing between your shoulder blades before zipping up the dress. "To be honest, I'm going to have a hard time not getting turned on knowing that it's here." Jack ran his fingers under your dress to nudge the toy.

"I'm definitely planning my revenge." You laughed, turning to pull him into another kiss.

You and a group of your friends were sharing a fancy limo to the premier and Jack decided to test the toy. You were talking to Conor when Jack clicked the first setting. You weren't expecting it, but you were able to keep quiet. Closing your eyes and sighing, trying to keep your composure.

"You alright, love?" Jack asked, no one the wiser.

You turned to face Jack, your crossed legs and the darkness in the car hiding the fact that your hand was creeping towards Jack's crotch. "Just fine, sweetheart." You said, with a smirk, your hand gently groping Jack's hardening dick.

Feeling his cheeks flush, Jack clicked off the toy, calling a silent temporary truce. He slipped his arm around you, pulling you into his lap. "We're going to get in so much trouble." He laughed, pulling you into a kiss.

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