Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)

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Stumbling out of your room, you found the source of the noise that had woken you up. "Josh?" you asked, wiping the sleep from your eyes.

"Sorry. Did I wake you up?" he asked, standing by the door. He had his keys in his hand and he was fully dressed. That would have been normal except it was 4 in the morning.

"I heard a banging. What's going on? Are you okay?" you asked, still half asleep.

"I'm okay. Just heading to Caspar's. Gotta get an early start today." he answered, opening the door.

"Oh." you replied, a bit confused. "Okay. Just be safe." you turned to go back to your room. "Text me when you get there?" you added, catching him before he closed the door.

Smiling at you, Josh nodded his head and left.

You had been living with the boys for a little over a year and you couldn't have asked for better roomies. Everyone was really laid back, there were always people in the flat laughing and having fun, and since you could cook, the boys took care of most of the chores. You definitely had a thing for your tallest roommate, but you had decided to keep it to yourself. Best not to ruin a great thing.

Over the next few months, you had heard Josh slipping out of the house at weird hours more than a few times. You assumed he was hiding a girlfriend, but after it came out in a video that Josh would sneak to Caspar's when he had a nightmare, you started to wonder if that's what you were catching him doing.

One night when all of the boys were over, you decided to talk to Caspar about it. "Anyone need anything from the kitchen?" you asked the group after Caspar had gone in there to make another drink.

Making your way to the kitchen with a few drink orders, you walked up to Caspar. "Casp?"

"Holy shit! Y/n, you scared me." Caspar laughed.

"Sorry." you giggled, helping him clean up the tonic water he had just spilled. "I have a question, but I didn't want everyone hearing." you continued, starting on the drinks.

"Shoot, buddy." Caspar said, leaning back on the counter and sipping his drink.

"Have you and Josh been filming really early in the morning?" you asked, not getting an answer. Caspar looked like he was thinking about his answer, tilting his head to the side and biting his lip. "Or is he really having nightmares?" you continued.

Caspar nodded, taking another sip of his drink. "He doesn't get them all the time, but he's had quite a few, lately." Caspar sighed, making sure no one was coming into the kitchen. "He doesn't like being alone when he has a nightmare, so he comes and tries to go back to sleep at mine."

"Why doesn't he just tell one of us?" you asked, sad that someone you'd gotten so close to was suffering in silence.

"He's probably embarrassed. Especially to tell you. He feels like he's supposed to be the big, strong man of the house" Caspar replied.

"Having nightmares doesn't make you weak." you frowned.

"Maybe you should ask him about them." Caspar said, walking up to put his arms around you. "I know he cares about you, a lot. He might open up."

It had been a few weeks since you had last caught Josh sneaking out, but at about 4:30 in the morning you could hear him moving around and then the jingle of keys. Walking into the living room, you saw him sitting on the couch, ready to leave, staring at his phone. "Come on, Caspar." he mumbled, waiting for Caspar to text him back, not knowing you were in the room.

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