Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)

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Walking through the club, you could feel people's eyes on you. It wasn't because you were wearing anything provocative or because you were the prettiest girl in the room. It was your height and your walk. You didn't mind being tall and you absolutely loved to rock a pair of heels on a night out. They were one thing that made you feel unstoppable.

"What can I get you, gorgeous?" the bar tender asked you.

"Jack and Coke, please." you replied.

You didn't know it, but a group of guys not 10 feet from you were talking about you. "Josh, if you stare any harder she's going to feel it." Jack teased, smacking Josh's arm.

"I wasn't staring." Josh shot back, turning to purposely look away from you.

"Buddy, its obvious you were staring at her. You've been watching her since she walked in." Caspar laughed, throwing an arm around his best friend.

"Just go talk to her." Joe joined in, already drunker than the rest of the boys. Jack and Josh had pretty high tolerances, but the rest of the boys were lightweights.

"She's got to be here with someone." Josh said, finishing his drink.

"Well you need a new drink, anyways. Just go talk to her." Jack shoved Josh towards you.

"I'm sorry." you heard behind you after someone stumbled into your back.

You turned to tell them it was fine, but all you saw was a tall red head walking away from you. "No problem." you said, watching him walk back to his friends and shove one of them. Grabbing your drink, you walked back to your friends.

"Find a friend?" your bestie asked, stealing your drink.

"No? And go get your own." you tried to grab it back.

"Nope. Here." She handed you cash. "Go get another one."

"Fuck you guys." you laughed, turning back around to see the tall ginger ordering another drink.

Hearing him order a Vodka tonic, you dramatically shivered. "Blech." When he looked over at you startled, you leaned on the bar and smiled up at him. "Vodka is disgusting."

Josh laughed. "Well what did you order? You seemed to finish it quickly."

"I didn't. My friend stole it from me." you turned to the bar tender and asked for another Jack and Coke.

"Whiskey? Surprising." Josh shot back.

"Better that Vodka." you nudged his shoulder with yours.

"Hey, it's done me well." Josh laughed, looking over at his friends. They were making obscene gestures at Josh. Pretending to hump the air and such.

"Your boyfriend over there seems to miss you." you laughed, pointing at a blond guy. Jack immediately stopped being an idiot, scratching the back of his neck and looking the other way.

"Would you believe me if I said I've never met them in my life?" Josh laughed. "He's the one that shoved me into you earlier."

"Ah, I turned around to talk to you, but you left me." you replied, handing the bartender the cash and grabbing your drink.

"Put that on my tab, actually." Josh said, telling you to keep your money. "Consider it my apology for my friend pushing me into you."

"Well, thank you for the drink." you replied, going up on your toes to leave a kiss on Josh's cheek. "...but tell your friend thanks."

Josh watched you walk back through the club to your friends. "Strike out, buddy?" Jack asked, walking up to the bar to order another drink.

"I don't think so." Josh answered, downing his drink and walking towards your group of friends, leaving Jack at the bar.

"Hello handsome." One of your friends said to Josh when he walked up to your group.

Josh blushed and then looked over at you. "Come dance?" he asked, holding out his hand for yours.

"Absolutely." you replied, handing your drink to your friend and following the tall ginger boy.

Pulling you to the middle of the crowded dance floor, Josh turned and ask you "What brings you out tonight?" The two of you starting to move in sync with the music.

"I just needed a night out." you replied, moving closer to Josh. "You?"

"It's my birthday." Josh said, his fingers playing with your hair.

"Is it now?" you smirked up at him, closing the last little bit of a gap between the two of you. "Well, Happy Birthday" you said, leaning up a bit to meet your lips with his.

Josh smiled against your lips, his fingers gentry caressing each side of your neck. "Thank you. It's been a good one, so far."

Looking over his shoulder, you could see his friends being obnoxious again and it made you laugh.

"What?" Josh smiled down at you.

"Your boyfriend is taking pictures of us." you laughed.

Josh was a bit frustrated with his friends. "I'll tell them to fuck off." he said, glaring at his friends.

"Hey" you said, reaching up to turn Josh's face back to you. "I don't care." You shook your head before pulling him in for another kiss. "Ignore them."

Breaking the kiss, Josh was twirling your hair between two of his fingers. "I just don't want my idiot friends scaring you away before I convince you to give me a shot."

"We all have idiot friends." you laughed. "And I'm definitely giving you a shot." You ran your hands up his chest, letting him pull you back into another kiss.

The two of you had a few more drinks and danced for the next hour. Josh was pretty hammered when you first ran into each other, and now he was giggly, touchy feely, drunk.

"Hey!" One of your friends came up to you yelling. She told you that your other friend was sick and that your group was going home.

"Awww, I don't want you to leave." Josh said, slipping his arms around your waist.

"I don't want to go either." you smiled up at your drunk dance partner, placing your hands on either side of his face. "You put my number in your phone, so you better call me."

Josh nodded and pulled you into another kiss.

"Lets get you back to your friends." you grabbed Josh's hand and walked him back to his group.

"Aayy!" The boys cheered when the two of you walked up. "The hottest couple on snapchat." Jack slurred.

"So that's what you were doing." you laughed, turning to Josh. "Have a good night, birthday boy." you said kissing him one more time before you had to go take care of your friend. The boys all cat called the two of you.

"Be safe." Josh replied, pulling you into a proper hug and pecking you on the lips one more time.

Riding in the cab on the way home with your two friends, the awake one asked you how your night went. "So who's the mystery man?"

"I don't actually know his name." you laughed, realizing that he probably didn't know yours either. "I put him in my phone as Birthday Boy." The two of you laughed.

When you finally made it home, you snuggled up in your bed and pulled up your texts. "Made it home. I had a great time. I realized after I left that I don't actually know your name, lol. Well, I hope you have a great night, love. xx - Y/n"

The next morning you woke up to a text from your tall ginger. "I had an amazing night! And my name is Josh :) Y/n is a beautiful name. I think I'm going to keep you in my phone as "Whiskey Girl" though. We're all going out for lunch, do you want to come? xx"

"I'm in! When and where?" you replied. You really were going to have to thank his blond friend for shoving him into you.

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