Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)

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Walking out of your work building, you started down the pavement. Hearing your phone ring, you dug around in your purse to try to find it.

"Conor!" you said happily into the phone.

"Y/n, I need a huge favor!" Conor was whispering into the phone.

"Why are you whispering?" you laughed, navigating your way through the crowded street.

"I don't want my parents to hear me." Conor said.

"Well doesn't this sound familiar." you laughed. You had grown up with the Maynards and Conor and you used to sneak into each others rooms. Eventually both of your parents realized you were just friends and stopped trying to catch you.

Conor did laugh at that. "Shut up, I need to ask you a favor."

"Well get it out." you said, walking up to your flat door.

"Jack and I have been up with our parents this week and they just told us they're coming home with us. They're staying for two nights!" He continued to whisper.

"That doesn't explain why you're whispering." you whispered back, dropping your bag by the door.

"Y/n, we threw a party before we left. The flat is a mess and I know for a fact there's a bra hanging from our kitchen light." Conor started talking faster, telling you about how horrendous their flat looked.

"Oh, shit. Your mum is going to kill you." you laughed, you had started changing into leggings and a sweater.

"I know! Y/n can you pleeeeeeeeease go straighten our flat before we make it home?" Conor begged. "I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Conor, I just worked for 12 hours." you whined into the phone knowing you'd be helping him anyways. "What about Josh?"

"I know, love. I know. But I swear I'll make it up to you. Josh's flight won't land for another hour." he went silent waiting for you answer.

"Fine, I'll do it. But I'm drinking your wine and you WILL make it up to me." you said, slipping on your shoes and grabbing your bag.

"I'll buy you a hundred bottles of wine." Conor laughed. "I'll stall them as long as I can, but we'll probably be there in like 3 hours."

"Just text me when you're getting into London." you said, hanging up the phone and walking to Conor's flat.

When you walked in, you saw just how bad it was. There were beer cans and beer bottles all over the place. There was food left out and someone had definitely been sick right OUTSIDE the bathroom door. The beds were messy and covered in things you didn't want to question. Taking in just how bad it was, you walked straight to his kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. "Lets do this." you said, pouring yourself a hardy glass.

You stripped Jack and Conor's beds of their linens and washed them straight away. Josh's room was pretty neat, so you just straightened the bedding and grabbed the little bit of laundry he had laying out. You gathered about 4 bags of trash before trekking them down to the dumpster. You did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen floors and counters, chucking almost everything in the fridge. After cleaning up whatever disgusting mess was in front of the bathroom, you cleaned the rest of the bathroom, making sure to stock up the towels and toilet roll after switching over the bedding to the dryer. You remade the beds, folded laundry, and lit a few candles in each room for good measure. The place actually looked like adults lived there for once. Putting the boys laundry back in their cupboards and throwing the now empty bottle of wine away, you decided to run and grab a few groceries at the corner store. You knew their parents well and knew that his mom would be inspecting the flat to make sure her boys were doing okay.

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