Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)

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"Josh, are you ready?" you yelled into his flat.

"Just a second!" he replied, shuffling something around in his room.

"Meet me down at the car!" you yelled back, grabbing your bag and walking to the lift.

You were currently picking up your best friend to take him to get his wisdom teeth out. Usually Josh would Uber everywhere, but the dentist warned him that he would be really out of it after the procedure.

Josh hopped in your car looking quite stressed. "Sorry I took so long. I couldn't find something."

"What were you looking for?" you asked, pulling out of the parking garage.

"It's not important." he answered, looking out the window.

"Hey, don't stress. I got my wisdom teeth out last year. You'll get pain meds and feel really stoned for about 5 hours. I'll make sure to get you plenty of ice cream and it'll be over before you know it." you reached over to squeeze his hand.

Smiling over at you, he squeezed your hand back. "Thank you. I hate the dentist. I'm mad I couldn't find my fucking....."Josh's voice trailed off. He dropped your hand and started rubbing his wrist.

"Josh, what were you looking for?" you pulled up to a red light and looked over at him.

Looking down, Josh answered. "I couldn't find my bracelet. The one you made me when we moved to London."

"Oh." you said, not expecting that. "I can just make you another one, goober." you tried to comfort him.

"No, I need it today. I wear it whenever I'm anxious or, you know...when I'm afraid or whatever. I just couldn't find it." Josh confessed, looking ashamed that he was so nervous about the dentist.

You pulled into the dentist office's parking lot and parked the car. "Josh." you grabbed his hand and waited for him to look at you. "You're going to be fine, I promise. I'll be here the whole time." Josh didn't know that you were wearing your matching anklet. You had made a bracelet for him and an anklet for you when you moved to London. He moved for YouTube and you moved for school.

Josh just nodded and got out of the car. When he was in the dentist's chair waiting to be seen, the assistant let you wait in there with him. Before the dentist walked in the room, you leaned down and unclasped your anklet. "Hey. Look at me." you smiled, holding up the anklet and waiting for Josh to look over at you. "I know it's not the same, but maybe it will make you feel a bit better." you said, clasping it onto his wrist.

Josh sat straight up and stared at the anklet. "Y/n, thank you so much." he said, pulling you into a tight hug.

"Don't worry about it." you hugged him back. When the dentist walked in, Josh started playing with the anklet. "Alright, love. I'll be out in the waiting room the whole time." you leaned down and kissed his forehead.

When the dentist finally walked him out into the waiting room, Josh's face lit up when he saw you. "Y/n! You're here!"

The dentist laughed. "I told you she would be." He handed you Josh's prescription and some information on taking care of his mouth. "Your boyfriend is rather goofy right now."

"Oh, we're just friends." you laughed. "And he's pretty goofy even when he's sober." you twined your fingers with Josh's. "Is he ready to go?" you asked.

"Good to go. You have his medication and those instructions are easy to follow." He replied.

"Thank you!" you said, walking Josh out to your car.

The only annoying thing Josh did was insist on taking the stairs because "lifts are very dangerous."

"Josh, we're on this floor, come back down." you said, opening the door into the hall. Letting the two of you into his flat, you immediately went and got him a glass of water so he could take his pills. "Hey, sweetheart. I need you to drink this and take these." you sat Josh down on the couch.

Josh nodded and downed the pills and water. "I want to sleep." he said, his eyes sitting half closed.

"Lets get you in bed, love." you grabbed his hand and led him to his room. "You need to change or you'll be uncomfortable."

"I'm too tired." he said, sitting on the bed.

"Oh, such a baby." you laughed, kneeling down to take his shoes off. "Josh, stand up. You need to take your jeans off."

"You just want to get me naked." Josh tried to wink and failed miserably.

Watching your drugged up best friend had you in tears laughing. "I've seen you naked plenty of times." you said, helping him out of his jeans.

"The dentist thought we were dating." He said smiling up at you after sitting back down on the bed. "It's because we're both so good looking." Josh said with a straight face.

You continued laughing until it hurt. "We are, aren't we."

"Definitely. We'd make really pretty babies. Even my mom said so." Josh said, his filter completely gone.

"Mama P said that?" you asked, fluffing Josh's pillows.

"She loves you. I keep telling her you're going to marry a doctor or something, but she still asks about you whenever she calls." Josh said, still sitting on the end of the bed.

"Why do you think that?" you asked, having no idea that Josh and his mom even talked about you.

"Because you're really smart. And pretty. And stuff" he said, twisting to face you.

"You're really smart and pretty and stuff too, Josh." you laughed.

"Awwww, you think I'm pretty." Josh smiled up at you looking like he was going to fall asleep any second.

"Come on, hun. Lets get you in bed." You said, walking to stand in front of him.

"Only if you stay." he said, pulling you to stand between his legs.

"You're going to fall asleep in two seconds, Josh. You won't even know I'm gone." you replied, rubbing your hands up and down Josh's back.

"I'm injured. You need to be nice to me." he continued, fake pouting, one hand coming up to rest on his swollen cheek.

"Alright. I'll stay." you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Lay down and I'll be right back."

"Promise?" Josh asked, not yet letting you go.

"Promise." you replied, helping him up. You pulled back the covers and tucked him in.

"If you don't find your doctor husband by the time we're 30 can I take you on a date?" Josh asked, his eyes closing as his fingers played with the anklet he had around his wrist.

"Josh, I'm not marrying a doctor." you smiled down at your sleepy bestie. "And if you can remember this conversation when you wake up, you can take me on a date when your mouth feels better."

"Deal." Josh replied.

"I'll be right back." you said, dipping down to press a kiss to his temple.

You walked back to the living room to check when Josh would need to take more pain pills. You grabbed two of them and another glass of water just in case you were still in his room when he needed them. Double checking the instructions, you walked back to Josh's room to find him fast asleep. Crawling into the bed, you laid down next to him facing him. You couldn't help but smile thinking about the odd conversation you just had. Part of you really hoped he remembered your deal.

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