Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]

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Request - Hello! Idk if you're still taking requests, but I think you write  great smut and I was wondering if you could write a smut imagine with  Joe Sugg. I'd really appreciate it if you did because I think you're one  of the best writers on tumblr, and if you can't/don't want to write it,  thanks anyways for just being a great person!❤️


"Joe  friggin' Sugg!" you said, throwing your arms around him when he  answered the door. "I'm so glad you're back! How was the tour?"

You  had gone over to Joe's the day after he got home from the Hit The Road  tour. He was one of your best friends and it had been ages since the two  of you got to hang out.

"I'm glad to be back." He replied, squeezing you. "It was good. Really good, but It's nice to be home."

"I bet. Nothing like sleeping in your own bed." You followed Joe into his house. "Find any romance on your journeys?"

You  and Joe always shared your one night stand and hook-up stories. "No,  sadly." He dramatically frowned and dropped his shoulders.

You couldn't help but laugh. "I don't believe that for a second."

Laughing,  Joe replied. "I actually didn't have any time to myself at all on this  trip. We were always busy doing interviews or driving or just too  exhausted to go out."

"Well I'm sure Mr. playboy will find time now that he's home." You teased him.

"I haven't even had a wank in my own house." Joe laughed, making the two of you some drinks.

"I  can leave if you'd like some alone time." you teased, taking the glass  he was handing you of whatever cocktail he had mixed. Taking a sip, you  made a face. "One of those nights?" You said, noting how strong the  drink was.

"Definitely one of those nights. I need an us  night." Joe said, tapping his glass to yours and pulling you in for  another hug. "Also, I hear you went out on a date with Jack."

"Is that what he told you?!" You questioned him, the two of you making your way to the couch.

"And I quote 'I finally convinced Y/n to go out with me and she didn't even let me pay for dinner.'" Joe said laughing.

"He said he needed a date for a premier! I didn't know he actually wanted to go out." You said shaking your head.

"So you would have still gone if you knew?" Joe asked, trying to sound nonchalant, taking another sip of his drink.

"No way. I love that kid, but he's like my little brother" you answered.

"Good. I would have pummeled him if he did anything to hurt you." Joe said, throwing his arm around you and turning on the TV.

"Oh calm down, macho man." you laughed, leaning into Joe.

The  two of you spent the rest of the evening catching up. Towards the end  of the night, the movie Friends With Benefits had been playing in the  background and it had caused your mind to wander a bit. You and Joe had  never done anything too sexual together, but you cuddled all the time  and you had definitely seen each other naked. You'd even shared a few  drunk kisses on nights out at the club, but you'd never let yourself  think that the two of you could date. Being snuggled against your very  attractive friend, you couldn't help but get a bit turned on while you  watched the explicit scenes play on the screen.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Joe. "We should head to bed. I'm falling asleep."

"Works  for me. Am I staying in the guest room?" you asked, hoping maybe you'd  have a little bit of alone time to take care of yourself.

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