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Everyone ate and napped and swam until late afternoon. "Ready to head back?" Caspar asked the group.

"You know what? Leave our blankets and pillows. I want to stay out here a bit longer." you said, looking over at Josh.

"Do you want us to leave any of the food?" Oli asked, packing up the supplies.

"No, we're good. We have water and snacks in our bags." Josh replied, helping the boys pack everything else up.

As the boys started their walk back to the campsite, they called back teasing the two of you. "Wrap it up, Josh!" "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"You think they'll ever let up?" Josh asked, coming to lay next to you on the blanket.

"No. No, I don't." you laughed, "But, to be fair they've been waiting for us to actually get together for about a year. Let them have their fun."

"True. I kind of don't want to leave here." Josh said, scooting closer to you and laying his head on your chest.

"Me either." you replied, running your hands through his hair. "But you know what?"

"What?" he answered, nuzzling his face into your chest.

"Nothing has to change when we get back. We can go on walks and take showers together and fall asleep in each other's arms." You replied. "There will just be less bugs and better air conditioning." you laughed.

lifting his head to look at you, Josh smiled. "You're right. And I can't wait to take you out on a real date."

"Feeling romantic?" you asked, smiling up at him.

"I think you bring it out in me." he replied, dipping down to kiss you.

"Mmmmm, I'm happy to inspire this kind of behavior." you said, letting yourself get lost in the kiss.

You felt his hands start to push your shirt up and you got a bit nervous. You were definitely in the mood, but it was still plenty light outside.

"Grab the other blanket." you said, hoping to cover the two of you up.

"It's not cold, though." He replied, placing kisses on your stomach as he pulled your shirt over your head.

"But it's daytime." you said. "Anyone could see."

"We're the only ones out here." he said, slipping your bathing suite top off.

"I know." you replied, noticing the light go off in his head.

"You don't want me to see you?" he asked, making sure he understood.

Covering your boobs with your hands, you answered. "We've only done this in the dark."

"Is it because you don't think I'll like what I see?" he asked, his hands coming to replace yours, covering your breasts.

"I just...I don't know. Isn't everyone insecure?" you asked, seeing his face soften.

"We're not using the other blanket." he said, leaning down to kiss you. "You need to really listen to what I'm about to say." Josh let his hands uncover your breasts and held your hands down so you couldn't cover them. Placing kisses on both of them, he said "I love your body. Every bit of it. Every freckle and every soft curve." he let your hands go, trailing his lips down your stomach to the top of your bathing suit bottoms. "I love every stretch mark and every scar." he said, untying and pulling away your bathing suit. "I love feeling your legs tangle with mine when we sleep." he said, kissing down each of your thighs. Coming back up to hover over you, he kissed your lips. "I love feeling your arms wrap around me and your cold ass feet press against my legs when you're trying to get warm."You both laughed. "You don't have anything to hide, love."

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