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When your alarm went off the next morning, you quickly reached and turned it off. You were snuggled into Josh's side with one of your legs thrown over his and your head on his chest. You gently sat up, as not to wake him. Throwing on a pair of sweats, you ran outside to get the fire going again and to set up the water to boil. When you returned to the tent, you woke Josh. Kissing him on the cheek once he was up.

"I'm going to run and pee and then I'll check on the water for the coffee." You said, grabbing your bathroom bag, which included toilet roll, hand sanitizer, and your toothbrush and tooth paste.

"You aren't going alone." Josh said, throwing on a sweater.

"Babe, I'm fine. It's daylight outside." You replied.

"Still, I'm coming with you." He said, following you out of the tent. After walking a minute or so, he stopped you. "I'll wait here and you can go over behind those trees."

"Works for me." You said, finding a convenient spot. You also brushed your teeth. Walking back, you saw Josh sitting on a log waiting for you.

"Feel better?" He joked.

"Damn straight. Fresh breath and everything." You helped him up.

"Oh, really?" He said mischievously. He surprised you by hoisting you up into his arms.

Wrapping your legs around his waist, you couldn't help but laugh. "What's all this about, rowdy boy?"

Instead of answering you, he kissed you. Slowly walking closer and closer to a nearby tree, pinning to between his chest and the tree.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" You asked, a bit breathless.

"I try." He said, kissing you once more before setting you down on your feet.

"I could definitely get used to this." You said, grabbing his hand and walking back to camp.

Breakfast went over famously, but your ice was now completely melted.

"Anyone fancy driving an hour or so to stock back up on supplies?" You asked a bit later in the day.

"I wanted to hike back up to the look-out, actually." Conor said.

"Me too!" You added.

Joe spoke next, sharing his plan. "Well, I know Oli and Mikey want to nap, and we need more firewood gathered. Why don't Josh and I take a truck to town, those two can nap, you and Conor can hike, and Caspar and Jack can gather firewood?"

"Works for us." Caspar said, Jack nodding in agreement.

"I'm in." Josh said, grabbing his wallet and the keys.

"Oh thank God. I'm exhausted." Oli said, Mikey yawning in agreement.

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