Never have I ever had a threesome

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Jack x Joe x Reader smut


"Do I have to?" You grumbled, not really upset. You had been crashing at Joe's house for the last few days before your flight back to L.A. where you lived. You met Joe and a few of the boys on one of their stays last year. You two had hooked up, but you stayed really close friends...with occasional benefits.

"I know it's late, but Jack's video for tomorrow got erased and we're the only two in town that he can film with." Joe said, coming to stand by the bed.

"Fiiiine." You huffed. "You definitely owe me, though." You said, falling back on the bed.

Hopping over you to straddle your middle, Joe replied. "I'm sure I can find a way to make it up to you." His fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.

"Dream on, Sugg." You laughed. "I need to go hop in the shower if he's going to be here soon."

"Ooooo, I could join you." He teased, wiggling his hips on top of yours.

"I need to actually get clean this time." You replied, sitting up and kissing Joe. "Though we may have to do that before I leave. It was a hell of a lot of fun."

Finishing in the shower, you walked out across the hall in a towel. "Oh, shit. Sorry." Jack said, covering his eyes.

It was cute until he cracked his fingers and looked at you anyways. "It's okay." You laughed. Maybe he was still cute.

"I'm Jack, if you don't remember from L.A." He said, dropping his hand from his face.

"If we're going to talk, you need to follow me." You said, walking into the guest room. "And I definitely remember you. You streaked naked through the house you guys were staying at."

Turning red, he replied. "Oh, shit." He sat on the bed while you walked to the wardrobe. "Why do you only remember me by my drunk shenanigans?"

You laughed, picking out what to wear. "I remember meeting you, I just remember you best by your formidable attributes."

"Like what you saw, ay?" He asked, watching you from the bed.

"You could say that." You replied, dropping your towel, having only a thong and your bra on.

"Well, ahem. I do return the sentiment." Jack eyed you. "I thought you hooked up with Joe that trip.

"Oh, I did." You said, pulling a shirt over your head and finishing getting dressed. "It was a great trip." You winked and walked out of the room.

Jack watched you walk out and then looked down at his tented joggers. "This is going to be a long night." He said to himself, adjusting his pants and following you into the living room.

"What are we filming?" Joe asked Jack.

"I don't even know. I'm so fucked. That SD card totally died and I lost my whole video." He replied.

Grabbing a bottle of tequila out of the cabinet, Joe looked at the two of you. "Never have I ever?"

"I'm in. We were going to make margaritas later anyways." You replied, grabbing shot glasses.

"Well, that solves that problem." Jack said, setting up his camera.

You guys got about 15 rounds in, giving Jack loads of footage for a video and a bloopers video. "Okay. One last round." Jack said, reading from his phone. "Never have I ever had a threesome."

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