Fake Fan (Conor x Reader) [smut]

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"Y/n!" Joe called from his bedroom. "Help!"

"What have you done this time??" You yelled back, hurrying to his room.

When  you found Joe he was sitting in the middle of his floor in just his  boxers. "It's all ruined." He said, going through piles of dress  clothes.

"What happened?" You started asking before  realizing what was wrong. Everything on the ground was pink. "You must  have washed one of your red shirts with the lights." You said, going to  his wardrobe.

"I have to be ready in an hour." Joe let his head drop to rest in his hands.

"Why are all of your nice clothes light? You don't have a single nice black shirt." You said, going though his hung clothes.

"All  of the shop's are closed." Joe continued freaking out. You could hear  the panic in his voice. He had to be available for interviews for the  next 6 hours and he was told to dress smart.

"Can you borrow something from one of your friends?" You asked, coming to sit in front of Joe.

"Omg,  you're a genius. I reckon Conor will have something that'll fit me."  Joe shot up, grabbing his phone. "Mate, I need a huge favor." Joe spoke  into his phone, explaining was had happened.

"I take it  by the look of relief on your face that he's bringing you clothes?" You  asked, when Joe hung up the phone and fell back onto the bed.

"He'll be here in 15 with options. Thank you so much." He replied, sitting up to pull you into a hug.

"No problem, dork. Now go shower. They won't care what you're wearing if you stink." You laughed.

You  and Joe had been friends since you were kids, but you had stayed in the  tiny village you two grew up in. Joe had convinced you to occupy his  spare bedroom for a while when he first moved in thinking it would be  good for the both of you. He'd have a roommate so that he wouldn't be  alone and you'd get a taste of London.

Hearing a knock at  the door you answered it, knowing Joe was still in the shower. "Hi! You  must be Conor." You said, helping him bring in a few bags.

"Thank  you." He said, curious as to who you were. "Yeah, I'm Conor. And you  are?" He held his hand out after dropping the bags in Joe's room.

"Sorry,  I'm Y/n." You replied, taking in Conor's appearance. He was quite cute  and obviously a good enough friend of Joe's to bring over bags of nice  clothes last minute.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n." He replied, eyeing you as well. "Are you Joe's girlfriend?" He asked, wondering where Joe was.

"Oh,  no!" You busted out laughing, startling Conor. "Sorry, it's just Joe  and I have been friends forever. Him and Zoe are like my siblings."

"Ooooh, cool. Yeah, he's a good bloke." Conor said, sitting down next to you on Joe's bed. "Where is he?"

"He'll be out of the shower in just a minute." You said, looking at the bags. "Should we lay out the options?"

"Sure!" Conor jumped up and unzipped a few of the bags, pulling out the shirts and jackets.

"Oooo, I really like this one." You picked up a peach colored dress shirt with a very faint herringbone print.

"I  like that one too." He said, looking for the tie he had worn with it.  "I doubt Joe will wear the tie, but this is the one that goes with the  shirt."

"You, sir, have very good taste." You complimented him, laying them on the bed.

"Thank you." Conor replied, blushing a bit.

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