Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)

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"Hello, love.", Joe messaged you after a long night of editing.

"You're up late." you replied, grabbing your phone and snuggling into your blanket. He was in London and you were in the states leaving an 8 hour time difference between the two of you.

"Just finished editing a 'More Likely To' video with the lads and I don't really want to post it anymore." Joe messaged back, snuggling into his own bed.

"Why not?" you asked. Late night texts had become a thing between the two of you. You had met Joe online years ago when he was just starting on you-tube and you'd become great friends.

"It just reminded me of how many things I'm not doing right. I'm the least likely to get married. The most likely to get drunk and lost. The most likely to stay single." Joe text you, adding "fml."

"Oh, love. You're not 40. You have all the time in the world to settle down." You replied. "You're a brilliant, sweet, caring, talented, committed, creative soul that will find those things in your own time."

"You always make me feel better." he text back, slowly falling asleep.

"Anytime, sweetheart." you replied. When you didn't get a response you assumed he had finally fallen asleep. "Sweet dreams, sleepy boy."

When Joe woke up the next day, he read back over your messages and decided to post the video.

The two of you had never met in person, but you'd become an almost daily fixture in each others lives. At times, you thought the slight anonymity is what made your friendship work so well. You weren't roommates or siblings or co-workers. You were there to talk to each other when you didn't want to or couldn't go to those in your actual lives. Up until this year you hadn't even exchanged phone numbers, sticking to instant messenger. You did enjoy getting the drunk voicemail messages from Joe, though. You two had even talked on the phone during long train rides or nights you were there to answer his drunk calls.

A few days later, you got off of work to find multiple texts and voicemail messages on your phone from Joe.

Joe - "Sometimes I wish you were here."

Joe - "I hate fucking time differences."

Joe - "I'm posting the video I told you about."

Joe - "Jack is yelling at me for being on my phone the whole night."

Joe - *Video of the boys taking shots*

Joe - "I'm so drunk."

Joe - "What do you call a fake noodle?"


You always felt bad when Joe would send the "I wish you were here" texts, but at the same time you felt the same way. The general drunk texting always made you laugh, though.

Voicemail 1 - "Yyyyy/nnnnnnnn. Call me when you get off work."

Voicemail 2 - "Stop yelling in my ear! I'm talking to my friend!" Joe seemed to be scolding someone around him. "Y/n, you've got to visit London. You'd get a kick out of hanging with the boys." The rest of the message was muffled by drunk cheers from people in the night club.

Voicemail 3 - "Y/n, Jack doesn't think you exist." Joe said, but you heard his hand muffle the phone right after. "Sorry, love. I'm not interested. You seem lovely, but I'm talking to my girlfriend." You had to listen a few times to make out the whole thing, but that's definitely what he said. "Love, I want to buy you a plane ticket." he said, clearly to you, before yelling to Jack to order an Uber.

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