Oli White's Secret

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Everyone on tumblr knows that certain celebrities make anonymous tumblr accounts for personal use and to occasionally stalk their fans...and if you didn't know that already, you were about to find out.

You - Could my customers be any ruder?!?

You had finally finished your shift and gotten home from work and tumblr messaged the one person you were always looking forward to talking to. Working as a Barista in a coffee shop should be a job where you get to make people's days better, but you usually just ended up getting yelled at by uncaffeinated grumpy people.

Them (Oli) - Aww, I wish I was there to make your day better.

You - Don't worry, you always make my day better. Even though we live like 8 time zones apart.

Them (Oli) - Glad to hear it. I'd ask you about your day, but I'm assuming that wouldn't help your mood, lol.

You - Haha, you'd be correct. Though, it is Monday so I get to YouTube binge for a bit. I think Jack's new video has Oli and James in it and Oli has a video with Jack and Conor in it!! Double Oli videos today!

Them (Oli) -Go ahead, attend to your fangirling. I'm going to hop in the shower. I should be back by the time you're finished stalking British youtubers.

You - I feel so attacked. It's not like I'm you and actually live in the same city as them! Haha, I have to get my fix from afar!

Them (Oli) -Don't worry. I'm not judging your for your addiction. Enjoy your videos.

Oli didn't start his personal tumblr to stalk fans. The opposite, actually. He liked having a personal page where he followed blogs about writing and blogs about his favorite movies and bands. He wanted a space where he could be himself without actually being himself. He had found your tumblr because you often answered anon's asking for advice. It was more than half of what you posted. Oli had read through over 200 of the asks/replies on your page and had kind of instantly fallen in love with you. You were kind and smart and encouraging and so he messaged you telling you that he loved your page. You guys actually hit it off and now you talk almost every day.

You - I know I say this every time they're in a video together, but Oli and James have the cutest relationship.
You - Like, he's going to make a great dad.
You - I just know it.
You - OMG hurry up! I'm out of videos!

Them (Oli)- You're obsessed.

You - Finally!
You - And no I'm not! Youtube is my escape from my normal boring life.

Them (Oli) - I'm pretty sure you're obsessed.Them (Oli) - Plus, you aren't boring. Talking to you is the highlight of my day.

You - Actually, you are too.
You - I'm so used to having people come to me for advice that I didn't really have anyone to go to before I met you.

Them (Oli) - Well I'm honored. I can only hope that my advice is half as good as yours.

Like most nights, you talked for about an hour. It was getting quite late in London, but Oli usually stayed up to talk. It had been almost a year since you guys became such close friends, but it had been almost 4 months since you had told him about your obsession with British youtuber Oli White and he had figured out that he now had a huge secret.

Them (Oli) - I think I'm going to fall asleep soon, love. I have to get up early tomorrow.

You - Of course, sorry I kept you up so late.
You - OMG I almost forgot! I won tickets to Summer in The City and I think I have enough miles built up to buy a flight!
You - Are you going??

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