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The next morning, your quiet alarm woke you up bright and early. You quickly shut it off, just in case it would wake someone else. As you stretched and let your eyes adjust to the light, you realized that you were still in Josh's arms. The only difference is that you felt an unexpected guest pressed into your back. Blushing, but also trying not to giggle, you slowly tried to wiggle your way out of his grasp. You quickly realized this wasn't helping when you heard a quiet moan come from behind you.

"Josh." you whispered, thinking that waking him and acting like you didn't notice his morning problem was the best option. "Josh!" you whispered a bit louder.

"What time is it?" He mumbled, pulling you tighter to his body.

Giggling, you replied "You can go back to bed, you just need to let go of me, first."

"Oh, sorry." He said, loosening his hold. You then saw him realize his predicament, blush, and scramble to cover himself with one of the blankets.

You giggled before you could stop yourself and saw him turn a deeper shade of red. He flipped over so his face was in the pillow and all you could see was his back. "Josh, stop it. I'm sorry I laughed." You rubbed your hand up and down his back hoping he'd turn back over and you guys could laugh it off.

When he stayed face down, you decided to take it a step further. Trailing your fingers up into his hair, you added "You seemed fine when you moaned in my ear a minute ago. Why are you shy all of a sudden?" He flipped over and stared at you with his mouth open.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, I tried to wiggle my way out of your arms so I could get up and make coffee and breakfast, but when I did it just made you moan and hold on tighter.

"Oh, dear God. Kill me now." He replied, covering his face with his hands.

"Hey!" You grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face. "Stop it. Don't be embarrassed. If it helps, you sounded really sexy."

"You are not helping at all." Josh said, trying and failing to hold in a laugh at this point.

"There's the carefree boy I love." laughing with him, his hands still in your hands. You realized how tense the moment had gotten with what you just said, so you cleared your throat. "I'm going to go figure breakfast out. You should go back to sleep."

"I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep now." he laughed, noticing the same tension. "Sorry I smothered you last night. I was out after all we drank."

"Don't apologize. I really liked it." you replied, trying not to blush. "Well, before I make this any more awkward, I'm going to go." you laughed, getting up and leaving the tent.

You boiled water for French Press coffee, made omelet's, and pulled out the pain killers and Gatorade for the boys who were most likely going to be hung over. Josh had come out and helped you about a half hour after you left the tent. You split up to wake up the boys, though this time you took opposite tents.

"Josh!" you whisper yelled. "Come look!"

Walking over to you, Josh looked in the tent door and saw all three boys spooning. Caspar in the middle, with Jack to his back and Conor to his tummy.

"Comfortable, boys?" Josh said into the tent, waking everyone up. "Come get food."

You had to laugh at the looks on their faces when they woke up all cuddled together. "I'll go wake the others" Josh said, going to Joe's tent.

"How did you two sleep last night?" Joe asked you and Josh, joining the breakfast circle.

"Great, actually. I definitely picked the best bunk buddy." you replied, smiling at Josh and enjoying your morning coffee.

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