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"I'm home" Josh called out into the flat, knowing the brothers would be out all weekend at a festival. "Y/n?" He called out, setting the groceries on the counter.

You moved into the flat about 6 months ago and had since taken over cooking since no one else knew how to do anything in the kitchen. Walking to the back of the flat, he was on the search for you, his girlfriend. "babe?" He came to a stop when he found you. You were laying in bed with the drapes pulled closed and the blanket pulled up over your head.

"Y/n?" He quietly spoke, walking to the bed. You groaned, but didn't answer. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He sat down on the bed next to you.
He pulled the blanket down and it was obvious you weren't doing too well. "My head hurts so bad." You groaned. "Please don't turn on the light."
"I won't, I promise. Let me grab some stuff and I'll be right back." He left to the kitchen to grab some pain killers, some tea, and some water. He then went to your bathroom to grab some essential oils that help with headaches and stress.
"Can you take these for me?" He handed you the pills. "I need you to sip some of the tea, too. The caffeine will help. Be careful, love. It's really hot." He helped you sit up in the bed.
"Thank you, babe." you swallowed the pills and sipped on your tea. "I tried to sleep through it, but it hurt so bad I couldn't fall back asleep."

"You finish the tea and I'm going to go put the cold groceries away and be right back." He kissed you on the cheek.

When he returned a few minutes later you had already finished your tea and attempted to cocoon yourself back into the blankets. You felt a hand rub up and down your back, "Y/n, can you sit up for a minute? I think this might help." When you sat up and looked over, he had a little essential oils jar in his hand.

He sat on the bed against the headboard and situated your body between his legs so that you were laying back against his chest. He pulled your hair back and up, gently, into a hair tie he had around his wrist. You could feel the oil on his fingers as he trailed them softly over your temples in a relaxing pattern. "Just relax, sweetheart. Take deep breathes and try to relax." he quietly spoke.

His fingers slowly made their way down your neck, the whole room now smelling of eucalyptus and peppermint. You could feel yourself slowly falling asleep as he worked his fingers in patters across your chest, your shoulders, and your back up to your temples. The last thing you remember was Josh kissing your hair and telling you to sleep the headache off.

When you woke up, you were draped across Josh with your head on his chest. He was content just laying there editing a video, letting you nap. As you started to move, you waited for the pain to hit you again, but thankfully your headache was almost completely gone. "How are you feeling?" Josh asked, setting his laptop to the side.

"Much, much better thanks to you." you stretched up and kissed him on the lips. He wound his arms around you, kissing you back.

"I'm so glad. I hate it when you don't feel good. I feel helpless." he spoke, not letting you go.

"You are too damn good to me, Joshua Pieters." you teased, pecking him on the lips again.

"Never." he replied, with a big grin on his face.

"I'm going to go hop in the shower, seeing as I'm still covered in oil." you laughed, rolling off of the bed.

"Any chance you need help in there?" Josh teased. "I mean, it's going to be hard to wash off."

"I think I can make some room for you." you replied, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. "Thanks again, babe. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." Kissing him once more on the lips.

"You keep that up and it's going to be a long shower." he laughed.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." you spoke as you sauntered out of the room.


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