I Told You (Conor x Reader)

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"Babe, why aren't you packing?" you asked Conor, your boyfriend of 4 years. He was currently watching your one year old daughter sleep in her playpen instead of packing for a two week long tour.

"I think I'm going to cancel the next few shows." he said, staring down at the rosy cheeked little girl.

You sat next to him on the couch and slipped your arm around him. "What's going on, love?"

"I'm terrified that she's going to grow up and only remember that I was gone all the time." he said, reaching down to run his thumb over her tiny fingers.

"Oh, sweetheart." you sighed, fully wrapping him in your arms. "You don't need to worry about that. You always make time for her."

"I just don't want to let her down. I don't want to let either of you down." he said turning in your arms and pulling you tight to him."

"I promise you're not going to." You kissed him on the lips. "You're the best dad she could have asked for."

Finally cracking a smile, Conor pulled you back into the kiss. "Thank you, love."

"Now go pack, pop star." you laughed, "Remember we're flying out for your birthday show, so you get to see us in a week."

"You better be." he said, standing up and rushing to pack.

You had been working on a project for Conor for weeks, going through all of the little videos and pictures you had been taking of Conor and your daughter from when she was born until now. You had grabbed a few from his friends as well. George, Conor's dj, was going to help you surprise Conor at his show and you couldn't wait.

Conor skyped the two of you daily and you always made sure to send him pictures whenever your daughter did something funny or cute or obnoxious.

When you finally arrived at Conor's venue a week later, you handed your little one to Conor and told him he had to stay in his dressing room for a bit. "Oh, you two are being sneaky. Please tell me you aren't leaking our sex tape." he teased, gently bouncing your sleeping daughter in his arms.

"I'll save that for your 30th birthday. It'll be nice to look back on a time when we were a lot hotter." you laughed, kissing Conor before leaving the dressing room to plan with George.

"Did you finish the video?" he asked, watching the tech guy sort out how it was all going to work.

"I did. I used Conor's cover of 'Keep You Safe'" you replied. Conor had Covered JJ Heller's lullaby right after your daughter was born.

"Awww, you know he's going to bawl his eyes out." George laughed.

When the tech guy pulled up the video, it was being shown on three massive screens on the stage. George talked into the mic. "Hey guys, can everyone in the room pay attention for just a second. Conor knows we're surprising him with something during tonight's show, but he doesn't know what it is. We're going to play it now to make sure everything is working, but please don't tell him or post anything on social media until after the show. Thanks!" He finished "Alright, play it."

After the video, the room was filled with "awws" and everyone that knew you came up and hugged you. George was wiping away a few tears, pulling you into a hug. The two of you had become great friends in the time you'd been dating Conor.

"So we'll pull two chairs on stage and face them to the screens so you and Conor can sit and watch it." George said to you, turning to talk about timing with the tech guy.

When Conor had to come out on stage and run through a few songs to make sure the sound and everything was good, you sat out in one of the chairs with your daughter. As usual, her eyes were glued to her dad. She had always been mesmerized by his voice. Apparently like mother, like daughter.

When the time came for the big surprise, George motioned for the stage hand to bring out the two chairs. "Alright, guys. As you all know, Today is Conor's birthday." George waited for the crowd to calm down. "You also know that a little over a year ago Conor became a dad." he continued, throwing his arm around his friend. "It's hard being on the road when you miss your family. I know that first hand." George looked over at his friend. "Well Y/n has something she wanted you to see, so if everyone can quiet down we'll get this started."

You walked out on stage with your daughter and sat down next to Conor, your back to the audience so you could watch the video with them. "You're going to want to hold her." You said, passing your little one to sit in his lap. Conor had a huge smile on his face, not knowing what to expect. You leaned over close to his ear so he could hear you. "Happy birthday, love."

The song started with the video. "Quiet your heart, it's just a dream, go back to sleep." The first clip was of Conor holding your newborn baby, tears streaming down his cheeks. His brother Jack's arm thrown over his shoulder as the two of them stared down at the brand new Maynard.

"I'll be right here, I'll stay awake as long as you need me. To slay all the dragons and keep out the monsters, I'm watching over you." After a few pictures of Conor and her, the next clip was one you had taken during one of Conor's business meetings. They were going over his tour schedule with papers spread out everywhere in the conference room and Conor was feeding your daughter her bottle while following his manager around the room.

"My love is a light driving away all of your fear." A short clip played of Conor sleeping on the couch with your daughter laying on his chest, one of his hands on her back.

"So don't be afraid, remember I made, a promise to keep you safe." The next clip was of Conor sitting at his keyboard writing music, your daughter asleep in the bouncer that Conor was gently bouncing with his foot, followed by a clip of the first time Conor had brought her on stage.

"You'll have your own battles to fight when you are older." Your favorite clip played. You came home to find Conor asleep inside your daughter's playpen with her after trying to get her to sleep on her own, the camera turning to show the huge smile on your face.

"You'll find yourself frozen inside, but always remember. If you feel alone facing the giants and you don't know what to do..." Next was a montage of short clips of Conor holding her in various airports, airplanes, and trains. As often as he could, he took the two of you wherever he went. This was followed by Conor and her with various snapchat filters. Conor posted these almost daily, so it was hard to narrow it down.

"My love is a light driving away all of your fear." Pictures from different holidays and parties flashed through, your favorite being Conor dressed up as the old guy from up and your daughter dressed up as the dog.

"So don't be afraid, remember I made, a promise to keep you safe." The song came to a close, the video ending on a clip of Conor holding and singing to your daughter backstage at another one of his shows. "And if you feel you're sinking, I will jump right over

Into cold, cold water for you..." in the clip, he noticed you were recording him and he smiled, turning so that your daughter was in the video. "And although time may take us into different places..."The video slowly faded out

The crowd was full of "awwws" and cheering. You turned to look at Conor and he had your daughter in his arms held close to his chest, a few tears trailing down his cheeks. You leaned in and kissed him. "I told you you were a great dad."

"Thank you so much." he replied, kissing you back.


a/n This is the song I always sing to the babies in my family. You should listen to it, it's incredibly sweet. "Keep You Safe" by J J Heller.

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