My Wife (Conor x Reader)

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Request - I SEE YOUR TAKING REQUESTS!!! I'm so excited!!!! I know you're going to be amazing! May I request one where your newlyweds with Conor? And it's super fluffy! I know you're going to be so great!!!!


You didn't mind. You really, really didn't. In fact, your life had been a lot less stressful after deciding that you and Conor would keep your relationship private. You didn't have to deal with hate. You didn't have to duck paparazzi when you went out in public without Conor. You definitely didn't regret it.

That being said, it had been 4 years. You occasionally felt a little bummed you couldn't tell the world how much you loved him. You were always introduced as part of his management or his personal assistant or just a friend. There had even been rumors that you and Jack were dating. The two of you had just returned from your honeymoon and you were catching up with all of your friends/family.

"So how are you going to plan your big reveal?" Your mom had asked through your Skype video session.

"Mooooommm, stop. We haven't even talked about it." you replied.

"I know you've wanted to go public for a while, so i assumed you would after the wedding." she continued.

"I promise I'll talk to Conor about it later. I just don't want to immediately stress us out straight after our Honeymoon. Lets ease back into the real world." you said, saying goodbye and ending the conversation.

You didn't know it, but Conor had been listening to your conversation with your mom. He didn't know that you had wanted to go public. Conor had hated that he couldn't bring you to events and show you off to his fans. He kept it private because he thought that's what you wanted. After listening in on your conversation, he started planning.

Conor immediately set about texting your friends and family. He wanted any pictures and videos of the two of you that he could get his hands on.

"Hey babe, I need to run over to Joe's." Conor said, walking in the room while you were skyping your best friend.

"Okay, love." you said, kissing Conor when he leaned down into frame.

"Hey Conor!" your friend said, waving.

"What's up? When are you going to visit us? You know Jack always likes when you visit." He winked at the camera, sitting on your lap for a minute.

"Now that you're back, I'll try to come up sometime this month." she answered. You were grateful all of your friends and family got along. "And your brother likes when any girl visits." she laughed.

"Well I'll leave you two to it." Conor kissed you again before leaving.

He couldn't work on his next cover with you in the flat, so he had text Joe asking if he could set up his recording equipment in his house.

"So you're going to tell everyone?" Joe asked with a big smile on his face.

"Finally. I wish I would have just told everyone like 3 years ago, but now that we're married I'm done hiding it." Conor replied, figuring out where he was going to set up.

"I'm glad. You two are perfect for each other. I don't think you'll get as much hate as you thought you would." Joe said, helping Conor. "And I'm glad I get to post some footage that I couldn't show before since the two of you were snogging in it."

"I'm married. I'm really married." Conor laughed. "In every one of our 'most likely to' videos I always get the 'last to get married' card, but I'm fucking married." Conor had a massive smile on his face. He sent you a text telling you he'd be home really late.

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