Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV.V (Jack x Joe)(Jack x Reader) [smut]

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Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome part 4.5

I don't know what  the fuck this is, lol. I got a few anons like the one below, so I  decided to interject this into the timeline. It started out as a "let's  do 900 words of smut" to this. Enjoy?

"Can I just say that I was a  little disappointed when I read Part 4 and found out that the 'anal  warning' of you wasn't referred to Joeck alone? :D loved it! But would  also like to see even more action between the boys in the next parts to  come ;)"


The day was almost here. Your best friend was moving to London. You and Joe had been getting the house ready, including your room. You had received the black-light paint print from your Moxy  adventure and Joe had it framed, hanging it on the wall above your bed.

You  had decided to fly back to California for a week to help your friend  pack, so you were having a night out with Joe and a bunch of your  friends before your trip.

"What are we going to do when  you're gone?" Jack had asked, pulling you into his lap in the corner of  the night club. Everyone was beyond tipsy at this point.

"You're going to get us in trouble." You laughed, making sure no one was paying attention in the dark club.

"They can't see us." Jack drunkenly smiled at you.

Even  though you had only been intimate as a trio 10 or so times, You, Jack,  and Joe were almost always hanging out together and they had both been  whining all week about you being gone for so long. "I'm sure you'll find  plenty to keep you busy." you answered his earlier question. Leaning in  so he could hear you, you whispered. "I know Joe has wanted you all to  himself."

Jack's eyes went wide. "M-me?" he stuttered, turning to watch Joe on the dance floor with Lucy, Lydia, and Josh.

"You  can't tell me you don't see the way he looks at you when we're  together." you quietly answered, your lips grazing the shell of Jack's  ear. You felt him shiver. "I know you wanted to go further with him at  the Moxy." you continued, feeling Jack become aroused. "I could tell  when he was spanking you. You loved having Joe's hands all over..."

"You're  just messing with me, aren't you?" Jack interrupted you, tearing his  eyes away from Joe's dancing body and looking a bit hurt.

Seeing  the doubt and insecurity on Jack's face, you wrapped your arms around  him. "Love, I would never do that to you." You reassured him, continuing  when he hugged you back. "I swear. I would NEVER mess with you like  that."

You could feel Jack nod his head, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. "So he know?"

You  couldn't help but chuckle, making Jack look at you. "Are you both  blind? He's wanted to go further with you since that first night you  stayed over. He just never wanted to make you uncomfortable." You  assured him.

"I didn't know." Jack said, looking back over at Joe.

"You should spend some quality time together while I'm gone." you whispered in his ear.

Jack looked back at you, his cheeks flushing pink. "I've never...I wouldn't know what to do."

"What do you want to do?" you asked, shifting in Jack's lap, feeling how turned on he had gotten just talking about it.

Jack  groaned, feeling your ass move against him "I...I want him  know." Jack didn't really answer, turning his head to keep watching Joe.

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