Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)

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"Joooooeeeee." You whined, sitting in your best friend's living room waiting for him to get ready.

"Don't fight it, love. We do it every year and we're not about to stop now." He popped out of his bedroom to combat your whining.

"But why? Haunted houses scare the shit out of me and you always pick the biggest, scariest ones!" You stood up and followed him back into his room.

"It's tradition!" Joe laughed. "I asked you to go to a haunted house with me 10 years ago and we've gone every year since."

"Fine, but we're watching happy cartoons and eating ice cream afterwards. I won't be able to sleep, now." You bargained.

"Of course, love. You can just stay here with me." Joe kissed your cheek. "I'm ready. Let's go." He grabbed his keys and you walked through London, making your way to the haunted house.

As per usual, Joe had picked the scariest one in the city. It was fourty minutes long, too! You spent most of the time tucked under Joe's arm or hiding your face against his chest. One time, when a clown ran through one of the rooms, you actually jumped and clung to Joe, wrapping your legs around his middle.

Joe had screamed seeing the clown, but he was now laughing, wrapping his arms around you and setting you down. "I didn't think you'd still be this scared after all this time."

"I told you!" You punched him in the arm before the clown ran back through the room.

Tucking your face into Joe's jacket, he walked you out of the creepy clown room. "Only two rooms left, love." Joe said, walking into the next room.

"That's if I make it through both of them." You snarked, grabbing Joe's hand. You closed your eyes and screamed when someone popped out from behind a huge cabinet.

"You're alright. Just keep walking." Joe could tell you had had enough. This was the longest one you'd ever walked though and the fun of it was wearing down.

"Is it over?" You asked, feeling Joe wrap his arms around you.

"Yeah, its over." Joe pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Finally. Let's go get ice cream. And maybe coffee. I'm never sleeping again." You laughed, grabbing his hand and dragging him away from the haunted house.

"You say that every time and then you end up falling asleep before me." Joe laughed.

When you got to the corner shop, Joe went to grab a few savory snacks while you went to pick out some ice cream. Seeing him focus, trying to pick between flavors of crisps, you snuck up behind him and poked his sides.

"Holy shit!" Joe squealed and jumped. Resting his hand over his heart once he realized it was just you.

"Oh my god, Joe. I didn't think you'd jump that bad. I'm so sorry." You laughed, hugging your friend.

"We just spent over half an hour in a haunted house. Of course I'm gonna jump." Joe was laughing at this point too.

"You said they weren't scary." You teased him, imitating his voice.

"Yeah, yeah. Just grab your ice cream." He replied, abandoning the crisps for biscuits.

Walking back to his house, you noticed that Joe kept looking behind you and getting startled at any little noise. "Joe, calm down. The haunted house was fake." You chuckled, but actually hoped your friend was okay.

"I'm fine." He said, before jumping when the two of you encountered another person rounding a corner.

"Sure you are." You said, giving Joe a funny look. "You're home now, so you can calm down."

"I said I'm fine." Joe laughed, but he looked relieved. "Scoop us up some ice cream and I'll grab us some comfy clothes and blankets."

About two episodes into your favorite cartoon, you had to ask Joe what was wrong. He had gotten up to check the door twice and he kept looking over the back of the couch. "Joe, what's going on?"

"I'm just jumpy is all." He answered. "Bloody haunted houses always leave me feeling uneasy."

"Then why do we still go?" You laughed. "I hate them and it seems like you do too."

Looking over at you, he had a sad smile on his face. "Because it's the only time I get to be your hero. I get to be the person that comforts you and makes you feel better. I get to be the person that holds you." Joe said, grabbing your hand with his.

"Joe, you're always my hero. You've been the most important guy in my life for years." You shook your head not understanding why Joe was sad.

"You told me a long time ago that you didn't like me the way I liked you." Joe said, dropping your hand. "I guess I just never accepted that."

"Joe, we were kids. I did like you, but I didn't believe you. You've been a prankster your whole life." You laughed. "Why on earth would I confess to my childhood crush when he had just made me sit on a woopie cushion?"

"You used to like me?" Joe's face lit up.

"I thought that was obvious at this point." You replied.

"And what about now?" He asked, grabbing your hand again.

"Would I let anyone else drag me to my literal nightmare every year?" You laughed, squeezing his hand.

"Have I seriously been missing out on dating the love of my life because I made you sit on a woopie cushion in school?" Joe was shaking his head laughing.

"Hey! It was in front of the entire lunch room!" You reminded him. Joe just sat there staring at you. "Stop it." You laughed, shoving him a bit.

"I'm sorry." He said, pulling you to sit in his lap. "I should have properly asked you out a long time ago."

Shifting to straddle his lap, you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Don't apologize, just do it." You said, starting to lean in.

"Y/n, can I take you on a non terrifying date?" He asked, sliding his arms around you.

"I'd quite like that." You answered, pressing your lips against his. A few minutes later you broke the kiss, staring down at him. "One condition."

"Anything, love." He answered.

"No more haunted houses. Let's start a non horror themed tradition, like petting kittens or berry picking...I don't know. Anything but haunted houses." You laughed.

"Of course." He laughed, pulling you back down into a kiss

You spent the night cuddled up with Joe and he even made breakfast the next morning. "Sit down, love" he said, quickly kissing you before serving up the food.

When you sat down, however, it was to the sound of one of Joe's woopie cushions. "Are you kidding me?" You yelled, chucking it at him.

"I'm sorry, love. I couldn't resist." He laughed, putting your plate down and pulling you into another kiss.

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