I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 2

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You and Louise were just waking up the morning of the big premier.  sitting on her counter, with your coffee in your hands, you were trying  to convince Louise to eat something.

"Okay, okay. I'll nibble some crackers or something." She said.

"No.  Here." you replied, handing her a glass of orange juice. "I'm making  you breakfast and you're going to sit there and relax."

Walking  into the room, Darcy ran to her mom. Darcy always had a way of calming  Louise down. "Baby!" Louise called, scooping Darcy up into her arms.

"Y/n!" Darcy squealed, wriggling out of her mom's arms.

"Hey, Darcy. Want to help with breakfast?" you asked, pulling her up to sit on the counter.

Darcy  helped you crack eggs, make toast, and set the table. "Look at Auntie  y/n teaching you how to cook." Louise talked with Darcy while you  finished up breakfast.

"I definitely feel better." Louise said after you all had finished eating breakfast.

"Good. Now lets go get pampered." you replied, finishing the dishes.

After  a morning full of Mani/Pedi heaven with Louise and Darcy, you were  ready to actually get ready for the premier. "Darcy, lets go get our  dresses on while your mum finishes getting her make-up done." you said,  scooping Darcy up and tickling her.

Louise mouthed a silent "Thank you."

"I'll go get ready! I promise!" Darcy said, between laughs.

"Grab your dress and meet me in my room." you said, setting her down.

Hearing  your phone ding, you opened up your texts. "Check your snapchat. I  can't figure out what to wear!" was in a text from Josh.

Opening  your snapchat, you saw a few videos from Josh. One after another of  different shirts he could wear with his suit. You could tell he was  really nervous by the way he talked in the snaps. Sending one back, you  put the camera on yourself and recorded a message. "Calm down! I'm going  to slip into my dress and then I'll Skype you." you said smiling. "I'm  sure you'll look handsome in whatever you wear." You ended the video  blowing a kiss at the camera.

"I got my dress!" Darcy yelled, flying into your room.

"One second, love." You replied, getting your dress zipped up. "Here, let's get you dressed so we can Skype Josh."

"Who's Josh?" Darcy asked, putting her arms in the air so you could slip her dress over her head.

"He's my date!" you said, straightening her dress.

"Do you like him?" She asked, in typical kid fashion.

"I think I do." you said, smiling at the adorable child asking you questions.

"Is he cute?" she added.

Laughing, you replied. "He is. He's very handsome."

"Is he your boyfriend?" She continued.

"I  don't think so." you said, booping her on the nose. "No more Josh  questions, we're about to Skype him and help him pick out his outfit."

"Okay, okay." she said, smirking at you.

Dialing his Skype account, Darcy sat on your lap and waited for Josh.

"Look at how beautiful you two look." Josh said, trying to set his lap top up so he could show you the clothes.

"Thank you!" Darcy said, cheerily.

"So what are our options?" you asked.

"Okay. I've been stressing out." he said, walking to his bed and picking up the options.

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