I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)

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This was requested by a friend on tumblr, so the reader's attributes are a bit specific. She, like me, is almost 6 foot tall and curvy, so this is written around that. Totally fine to skip this one if you don't think you'll enjoy it.


This year had been crazy. You had helped your friend Louise Pentland (SprinkleOfGlitter) start her plus size clothing line and now the clothes were going to be released!

"This is mental." Louise was running around and panicking, trying to pick a dress for the premier of her line. You two had a week to throw the last few details together.

"Love, calm down. You designed BEAUTIFUL clothes and soooo many girls have been waiting for cute clothes that actually fit them. Bitch, I'VE been waiting for this." you laughed, pulling Louise into your arms. "It's going to be perfect."

"I love that you're taller than me." she said, laying her head on your chest. "Boobs are so comfortable." you both laughed.

"And now I have clothes that will make them look great!" you added, letting her go.

"I just can't pick what to wear. These photos will be used in magazines and ads and I want everything to be perfect." she said, sitting down on the ground in the middle of like twelve dresses.

"Well, I know you want to wear that pink Holographic dress." you said, pointing out the dress she had hanging up in her office.

"It's just so over the top!" she replied.

"So. You're kind of over the top, love." you laughed. "You already told me I have to wear heels. I vote I be freakishly tall and you be freakishly vibrant."

Staring over at the beautiful dress, you could tell she was thinking. "Alright. I'm in. But you absolutely will be wearing heels. This line is about being accepting of who you are and you are a giant." She pointed over at a shelf full of shoes.

"Perfect. Now let's pick my dress out." you replied, helping Louise up off of the floor.


Later that evening, Joe Sugg had invited the two of you over to his new house for dinner. He was so proud of Louise and wanted her to have a night in full of wine and good times.

"Louise! What are we supposed to wear to Joe's?" you called out of her guest room.

"Jeans. Definitely casual. He's inviting over some other people, but he said we're staying in and drinking." she yelled back.

"My kind of evening." you replied, grabbing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a cute shimmery black top.

"By the way, you still need to pick a date for the premier." she said, walking into the room. "Oh, you look cute."

"Good, because I feel comfortable." you replied.

"You know what, you should wear your heels tonight with that. Get used to wearing them. Plus, you can take them off when you get there, if you want."  she said.

"Oooh, good idea. Make sure I can actually walk in them" you said, slipping them on. Being almost 6 foot tall without shoes is tough enough. Your shoes made you stand at about 6 foot 3.

"I feel quite tall compared to most people." Louise said, coming to stand next to you in front of the mirror. "I feel like a tiny child when I stand next to you."

"I think most people do." you laughed. "Lets order the Uber. I'm ready for a good time."

You arrived at Joe's a bit earlier than you had expected. "Welcome, ladies." Joe hugged both of you. "Y/n you are giving a whole new meaning to tall glass of water."

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