Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)

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You'd known Jack Maynard since elementary school, and if you were honest with yourself you'd had a crush on him ever since. You had filmed a messy video for Jack's channel with Josh and thankfully Jack lent you some clothes so you could shower and change out of your sticky ones. You had spent the rest of the night hanging out with the boys and were coming back the next day to film a video for Josh's channel. Unfortunately, you didn't know that you had been caught in the crossfire of a prank war.

Getting ready for bed, Jack brushed his teeth and remembered he had set up a go pro in the bathroom to catch Josh singing in the shower. Grabbing it and reviewing the footage on his mac, he realized that he had caught you in the shower. Jack immediately paused the footage, his hand coming to cover his mouth.

"I can't." he said, running the mouse to the red X to close the window. Staring at the frozen frame of your body on the camera, Jack let his curiosity get the best of him. "Just a second." he said, clicking play. He watched you rinse your hair and caught that you were singing one of his favorite songs, a smile creeping onto his face. "Jack, what the fuck are you doing?" he asked himself, pausing the video again.

He went to close the video and delete the footage, but something caught his eye. You and Jack were the type of friends to tell each other everything, but you had a secret. You had a tattoo between your shoulder blades that you got when your grandma had passed. It was a personal thing that you wanted to keep to yourself, so you never told anyone. Jack played the video, watching for a clearer image of the tattoo.

"Jack!" Josh called, walking into his room.

"It's nothing! I wasn't doing anything." Jack said, slamming his lap top closed and ripping his headphones out of his ears.

"'Cause that doesn't look suspicious as fuck." Josh laughed. "If you're going to watch porn, at least close your door."

"I wasn't. It was....Nevermind. What's up?" Jack replied.

"Y/n is headed back over." Josh said.

"It's nearly 2 in the morning, is she okay?" Jack asked, nervous you would find out what he did.

"The heater in her building is broken and she was coming over in the morning anyways. I told her to pack a bag and she can just crash over here until it's fixed." Josh said, giving Jack a weird look. "Are you alright, mate?"

"Yeah!" he said, his voice cracking. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "Yeah. I'm fine. Is she just going to sleep on the couch?"

"I figured she'd bunk with one of us." Josh replied, knowing you had done it before. "Just wanted to give you a heads up. Finish wanking before she gets here. I'd rather not scare her out of the house." Josh said, closing Jack's door.

Jack opened his mac and felt guilty just seeing the video open. "Jack, you're an idiot." he told himself, deleting the footage. He heard the front door open and close. Hoping he wouldn't have to face you tonight, he stayed in his room.

"Thank you." he heard you say to Josh. "It is freezing in my flat."

"Of course. We can't let you freeze." Josh replied, giving you a hug. "Holy shit you're shivering."

"I know. I just need blankets and I'll bundle up on the couch." you said, tucking your hands into your sweater after dropping your bag by the couch.

"Do you just want to share mine?" Josh asked, grabbing your bag.

"Works for me. I warn you, though. I'm a cuddler." you laughed, following Josh to his room. "Jack asleep?" you asked.

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