Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)

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Finally. The day was here. You were going to see Conor Maynard live at V-fest.

"What do you mean you aren't going?" you said into the phone to your best friend.

"My boyfriend wants to go out of town instead." was all you got back.

"Well, have fun. Thanks a lot." you replied. You had been planning this with her for 6 whole months.

"Looks like I'm gonna do this on my own." you said to yourself, starting to pack for the weekend. You already had your hotel room booked, so aside from spending the weekend alone, you were set.

Three artists into the festival you were already over being mad at your friend. There were tons and tons of people here to meet and you got along with everyone anyways. The only bad thing about festivals? The bathroom lines.

"Hey, watch it!" you called out behind you, the line having gotten long enough that people just shoved their way through instead of walking around. You stood there for about a half hour, enduring the rude people and slow lines.

"Ow! You're hurting me!" you heard someone close behind you call out.

Turning around, you saw a younger girl trying to get up off of the ground with a bloody knee. Watching someone trample right through where she was trying to stand up, you walked up and shoved the asshole that pushed into her. "Watch where you're going!"

The grown man turned around, shocked to see that you were the person who had just reprimanded him. "Touch me again." he said in a taunting voice, walking towards you.

Shoving him back once more, you pointed to the girl that he had just hurt. "What, are you into hurting girls?" you called, catching the attention of the people around you.

Noticing that you had an audience, he backed up and walked away.

Looking back at the young girl, you helped her up. "Hey, are you alright?" you asked, picking her bag up for her.

She stared up at you but she didn't answer. You noticed that she was quite shaken and that she was taking short jagged breaths instead of breathing normally.

"Hey, hey. Are you having a panic attack?" you asked her.

All you got in response was her nodding her head "yes."

"Lets get out of this crowd." you said, holding your hand out for her to grab. You didn't want to grab her hand in case it would make her panic worse.

Continuing to nod, she let you pull her out of the crowd towards a sitting area with vendors. Sitting her down at a table, you walked to one of the vendors and bought her some water and a bag of crisps.

"Drink some of this, love." you said, handing her the water bottle and setting the open bag of crisps in front of her. Seeing that she had tears in her eyes, you moved to sit by her. "You're alright, I promise. I'll help you find whoever you came with after we get your knee cleaned up."

Still a little worked up, she said "Thank you" in between gulps of air.

Cleaning her skinned knee up with some of the water, you pulled your little emergency kit out and grabbed the biggest band-aid in the bag. "There you go." you said, sitting by her again. "By the way, my name is Y/n."

She had calmed down quite a bit while you were making sure her knee was alright. "I'm Anna." she replied. "I'm sorry I made you lose your spot in line."

"Nice to meet you Anna." you smiled, holding your hand out for her to shake. "And it's no problem at all. People in these crowds never look where their going and end up hurting people."

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