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After getting the other 6 boys stowed away in their tents, you crawled into your own tent and quickly changed while Josh was setting the fire up for overnight. Walking back out to check on Josh, you saw him just sitting by the fire. "Hey." you said, sitting down next to him on the log.

"Hey." he put his arm around you.

"Why are you still out here?" you asked, seeing he had already finished setting the fire up.

"It's stupid. Let's just go to bed." he went to stand up, but you put your arms around his middle.

"It's not stupid if it's bothering you." you comforted him.

"I was just nervous. I didn't know if you expected anything tonight and I'm awkward and tipsy and I just let my brain think to much about it." He replied, ducking his head.

"Hey." You turned his head to face yours. "Please, please don't ever think you can't just talk to me." you said, pecking him on the lips. "And I don't expect you to be anything but yourself. Ever."

"Thanks. I think I let the guys get to me too." He laughed a bit.

"I like you because you're you. Don't try to be more like one of the other guys. Let's go to bed, love." you replied, standing up and pulling him by the hand to the tent. "Want me to wait outside while you change?" you asked, trying to make him comfortable.

"Nope. I'm not leaving you outside by yourself." he smiled at you, pulling you into the tent.

He quickly changed into more comfortable sleep pants and had sat down to look for the shirt he had slept in last night when you started tracing the lines of his back with your fingers. When he got the goosebumps, you stopped and apologized.

"Sorry, love. I couldn't resist. It's something I always wanted to do watching you walk around the flat half naked all the time." you giggled.

"No, uh. Don't apologize. It actually felt really nice." he replied, turning off the light in your tent. Giving up on finding his shirt, he crawled under the covers with you.

"Aren't you going to be cold, goober?" You asked him.

"If I wake up cold, I'll throw something on. Right now I quite like the idea of you keeping me warm." He replied, reaching out and resting his hand on your side.

"Do you?" you said, scooting closer to him. "Where did shy Josh go?" you teased. Feeling him run his hands up under the back of your shirt, you got butterflies in your stomach. "Not that I'm complaining."

"I don't know. I think you scared him away." he joked, trailing his lips across your jaw and down your neck.

"Mmmm." you moaned in response, trying to stay quiet knowing your tent wasn't that far from the others.

Rolling you two so Josh held himself up on his elbows and laid between your legs, he slowly kissed his way across your collar bone to the center of your chest. You tangled your fingers in his hair, enjoying his feather light touch. Right when you started running your hands down Josh's back, you both heard someone stumble out of a tent.

"Oh, shit." you heard in a distinct Joe voice before hearing something hit the leaf covered dirt. You couldn't help but laugh. Josh collapsed, laying his head on your chest, giggling as well.

"So much for our moment." you said. "Want to go check on him? I have a feeling he just needs to pee. I don't want him walking anywhere alone."

Thrusting himself back up, he answered. "Of course." He kissed your lips and threw on the sweatshirt he had been wearing before. You also saw him discreetly adjust his pants "Joe, buddy? You okay?"

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