Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)

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There were many perks that came along with dating Conor Maynard.

There was only one downfall. He toured like crazy.

Conor's birthday was coming up and originally you were unable to schedule a flight between a project you were directing and the show he was playing the night of his birthday. You felt horrible, but he seemed to take the news fine. He got to do what he loved and he wouldn't hold it against you that you were doing what you love. You were well matched in your passions and neither of you were selfish.

"Baby, I have an interview in a few minutes." Conor said into the laptop camera. It was the morning of his birthday and you made sure to Skype him when you knew he'd be up.

"Well I'll let you go. I just wanted to wish my man a happy birthday." You said, blowing a kiss to the screen.

"Aww, thanks babe. I can't wait to see you again." He blew a kiss back.

"I love you, Conor." You said, grinning ear to ear.

"I love you too, y/n." He replied. "I'll call you after my show tonight."

"Alright. Have a good day." You waved, shutting your laptop.

"JAAAAACK! We gotta go!" You yelled, running to the other room.

"I know, I know. The Uber is already downstairs with our bags in it. Grab your purse and let's go!" He said, checking he had everything.

Conor didn't know, but you finished your project a day early. You, Anna, and Jack would arrive in the city of his show two hours before the first act, Rudimental, went on stage. They knew you were coming, though. You had already talked to them and they were going to bring you on stage for a song before their encore songs. Give you and Conor a bit of time before he had to perform.

"We've gotta run, Jack. I don't want to miss our flight." You both ran, meeting Anna at the gate.

"You two look like you're in a hurry." She teased, coming up and throwing her arms around you.

"I'm glad your mum let you come with." You said to her.

"When I told her you were going, she was fine with it." Anna replied.

You three arrived at your destination nearly 6 hours later. "Someone is meeting us here, so keep an eye out for a sign." You said, grabbing your bag.

Half an hour later and you were on stage practicing with the band. Conor was still going to be at his hotel for another hour, so you figured a little practice couldn't hurt.

"Y/n you sounded great. And if you stop singing to talk to Conor or to dance with him, I'll keep the song going." One of the girls told you.

"Thank you all, so much. This is perfect and it wouldn't be possible without you." You thanked everyone.

"Really, we're stoked. And the audience is going to die with how cute you two are." She teased. "You guys can all hide in one of our dressing rooms until it's time. You can get dressed in there too."

Butterflies filled your stomach. You could sing, but you had a touch of stage fright. "Y/n, don't worry. I'm pretty sure he's going to cry." Jack said, trying to distract you.

"I'll be fine. I'm just nervous." You replied. Taking one last sip of water.

"It's time, love." One of Rudimental's stage hands came and got you from the dressing room, the siblings standing in the wings of the stage.

"Now everyone needs to quiet down for this next song. We have a big surprise for our buddy Conor. Y/n come out here!" You were introduced and Conor's fans went crazy. You had been in plenty of videos together, so they knew who you were.

"This beautiful lady is joining us and dedicating an old favorite to Conor for his birthday. Conor, I know you can hear me. This one's for you from your wonderful girlfriend." She said, handing you a mic and telling the band to start.

"Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you."

You made it through the first part of the song before you saw him, eyes wide and hands over his mouth, walking to you from the side of the stage.

The crowd cheered and you put the mic in the stand, hugging him when he got to you. "Happy Birthday, baby." You said in his ear.

"Come on guys, I know you know the words." You heard someone say through the mic.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you"

The other singers and the crowd finished the song, letting you slowdance with Conor on his birthday.

"Give it up for these two love birds!" She called, the audience going crazy.

Guiding you off stage, Conor immediately pulled you back into his arms. "I had no fucking clue this was happening." He laughed, not wanting to let go. "I'm speechless. You sounded beautiful and you know I love that song."

"Thank you, love. I finished my project early, so Anna, Jack, and I decided to surprise you." You said, pulling him into a kiss. "God it's good to see you."

"They're here?!" Conor asked, still shocked any of this was happening.

"Conor!" Anna yelled, practically tackling the two of you.

"There she is." You laughed.

Jack walked up, hugging his brother. "Happy Birthday, mate."

"Can we come lead the crowd in Happy Birthday during your set?" Anna asked.

"Well, this is the best birthday present I've ever gotten, so why not." He answered her.

Looking back at you, he couldn't not smile. "You truly are amazing. Thank you so much." Taking you once more into his arms.

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