"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)

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Dating as a single parent was complicated at best. Your daughter,  Lindy, was four and you had yet to get past a first date. To be fair,  you gladly spent all of your time and energy on your daughter, but the  three dates you had been on never made it past "I have a daughter."

You  didn't spend much time with people outside your work and your daughter,  but about a year ago you had met Josh at a charity event you organized.  Josh was one of the YouTubers you had worked with, and you two hit it  off right away. Not really in a romantic way, though. He was more like a  big brother, and your daughter adored him. You guys tried to hang out  once a week and Josh just couldn't say no to Lindy. He'd take her to the  park or play Legos with her or let her cover him in stickers. Today you  guys had built a fort in Josh's living room where you were currently  laying and talking.

"Y/n, you deserve to find love." Josh said, Lindy asleep on his chest.

"14  years, Josh. 14 years and this little one will be 18 and I won't feel  bad for wishing dating was easier for a single parent." You said,  looking at your daughter.

"Wishing it was easier doesn't  make you a bad mom. You're the best mom she could have asked for." He  smiled at you, hating that you were so hard on yourself.

"Thanks,  love." You replied, hearing your phone ding. "Looks like I'm going in  to work today." You said, sitting up in your make-shift fort.

"Why  don't you grab your stuff and I'll walk you two down to your car so  this one stays asleep." Josh slowly sat up, making sure not to wake  Lindy up.

"You're the best." You thanked him, starting to put the couch cushions back and folding the blankets.

"Hey, I'll clean this up. Don't worry about it." He said, standing with your sleeping daughter in his arms.

"Are  you sure? I can do it." You started to say, but stopped seeing the look  on his face. "Fine", you laughed. "Let me just grab our stuff."

Josh  walked you down to your car, placing your sleeping daughter in her car  seat and pulling you into a hug. "Hey, I know you don't really go out  anymore, but I want you to come to my birthday night out." He said,  hoping you'd consider.

"I'm pretty sure I can find a sitter for one night." You said, thinking it would be nice to go out for once.

You hadn't met many of Josh's friends. You knew jack because you happened to meet one day at their flat.


Lindy had stared at him for a solid 10 minutes before Jack finally asked her why. "Am I funny looking, love?"

Looking at you and then back at Jack, she asked "what's on your nose?" Looking at his piercing.

"Oh! I forget it's there. It's jewelry." He said coming to kneel in front of her so she could see it better.

"Can I touch it?" She asked, leaning in to look at his nose.

"Of  course, love." Jack replied, a big grin on his face. Lindy won over  everyone she met and she had the boys in the palm of her hand in no  time.

Reaching out to touch the ring with her tiny  fingers, she replied. "I think it makes you look very pretty." That had  you all in tears laughing.

"Thank you. I think you're  prettier, though." Jack replied. Jack and Lindy spent the next half hour  on snapchat playing with every filter.

*flashback over*

You  shared your flat with a college student named Sarah you had met at work  many years ago. It was kind of perfect. Your schedules were both all  over the place and you got along famously. Thankfully she was staying in  the night of Josh's birthday party and was more than happy to watch  Lindy.

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