Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome II

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Jack x Joe x reader (smut) [sequel]

It had been about 6 months since your last trip to London to visit Joe. 6 months since your memorable tryst with Joe and Jack. You were currently packing for a much longer stay at Joe's house and you couldn't wait to see him and the boys. Finishing up your laundry and packing up your toiletries, you vowed to never let 6 months pass without seeing your friends, ever again.

Your flight was long, but thankfully you slept the whole time. You text Joe the second you could turn your phone back on and grabbed your luggage to meet him out on the curb.

Joe - "We're down on the end past the bus stop!"
Joe - "Look for Conor's car."

Pulling your rolling luggage and carrying your messenger bag, you quickly walked the length of the pick-ups pavement until you saw the vehicle.

"Y/n!" Joe yelled, practically tackling you.

"Awwww It feels so good to be back." you said, squeezing him back.

Conor grabbed your bags and loaded them into the hatch. "Alright, freaks. Our 10 minute parking is up."

When you finally crawled into the car, you were immediately pulled into a kiss by Joe. "Miss me much?" you teased, buckling up.

"Of course." Joe replied, buckling himself up. "You'll have a few hours to chill at mine and then we're all going out tonight." he added.

"Damn, you don't waste any time." you laughed.

"Never do." Joe replied.

Before going to Joe's house, the three of you stopped to have a late lunch at a cafe nearby. "You're going to get yourself in trouble if you keep being so touchy in public." you scolded Joe after he had kissed you a few times and insisted on holding your hand.

"I know, I know. I just can't help it, sometimes. I'll be good." he said, swapping seats with Conor. Joe's behavior prompted an explanation to Conor about you two kind of being friends with benefits.

When you finally made it back to his house, the first thing you did was nap. The time difference always screwed you up and you knew you'd be out for hours later that night. Joe woke you up about 2 hours before you needed to leave for the club. He had the shower running and peppered your face with kisses until you finally woke up.

"I'm up, I'm up." you laughed, batting Joe away from you. "What time is it?" you asked, yawning and stretching.

"Time to get ready." he teased, pulling the blanket off of you.

"You're such an ass." you snarked, standing up.

"You love me, don't deny it." Joe grabbed your hand and pulled you to the spare bathroom.

"Ooooo, shower time?" you asked, seeing the bathroom already set up. You stopped and pulled Joe back to you. "My favorite." You started sucking pink marks into the skin of Joe's neck and collar bone.

"Oh, don't I know it." Joe moaned, slipping your shirt over your head. "God, I've missed you." Joe undid your bra and his lips immediately went to your breasts.

"You've just missed our kinky antics." You teased, removing his belt and starting on his jeans.

"Nah, I'm plenty kinky on my own, love." Joe said, framing your face with his hands so that you'd look at him. "I really miss you when we're not together." He leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips before continuing to remove your clothing. You thought it was funny how easily the two of you always fell back into being comfortable with each other. Joe always felt right. "You're so gorgeous." He said between heated kisses. Pulling you into the shower, Joe had your body pressed into the glass from behind and was ripping open a condom.

"You're not so bad yourself." you teased, pushing your ass back into him.

Moaning, he replied. "Always so eager." Slipping the condom on, he pulled your hips to him and sank himself in you in one quick thrust.

After your shower shenanigans, the both of you got ready and Ubered your way to the club, arriving a bit late. "Y/n!" "Joe!" "Hey!" Cheers were heard as you walked in to join the boys. Introductions were made for the people you hadn't met, including a sweet looking girl named Lacey that had come with one of Jack's friends.

"I'm Y/n." you said, holding out your hand.

"Joe's girlfriend, right?" She asked, catching you off guard.

"We're just friends, actually." you answered.

"Oh, sorry. We passed you guys earlier and saw you two kissing. I just assumed." She replied.

"We just haven't seen each other in way too long. I told him he was going to start rumors." you tried to laugh it off, but you knew you'd have to talk to Joe.

You made eye contact with Jack and his face lit up. He filled the space between you and Lacey and pulled you into a proper hug. "It's so good to see you!" He said, kissing you on the cheek and keeping his arms around you. "How long are you here for?"

"I don't actually have a ticket home, currently." You laughed, kissing his cheek in exchange. "I think it'll be about three weeks."

"We definitely have to hang out." He said, dropping his arms. "Let me get you a drink."

You called out a thank you, expecting to continue your conversation with Lacey, but all she said was "looks like no one can keep their hands off of you" and started to walk away.

Jack saw the look on your face when he brought you your drink and asked what was wrong. "Just a bit of drama." You smiled, taking your drink.

"Lacey?" He asked. When you nodded, he continued. "She's usually a sweetheart."

"I don't know. Maybe she's just having a bad day." You replied, wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt. You usually got along with everyone, but right now you kind of felt like shit.

About 7 drinks in, you were pulled on the dance floor by Joe. "Having a good time?" He slurred, your too warm bodies moving in sync to whatever song was playing.

"With you? Always." You smiled, feeling his hands slide down your back to your bum. "I needed a night out."

"Glad to be of service." He replied before going to the bar for another drink.

Conor took over the Dj booth and started singing "Grind with me" by Pretty Ricky. "He does this a lot." Jack teased, joining you on the dance floor.

"You love it and you know it." You quipped back, throwing your arms around his neck and falling into the rhythm of the song.

"I know, I know." He laughed, as you continued to dance. Eyeing your lips, Jack leaned in silently asking for permission.

"You're single, right?" You asked, not wanting to be the cause of any more drama.

"As a bird, love." He captured your lips in a slow passionate kiss as you danced the rest of the song away.

As Joe walked back to you with your last drink of the night, the Dj started playing "jump" by Kris Kross and everyone went nuts. The three of you danced, jumped, and laughed as you took turns making fools of yourselves trying to rap along. All in all it was a great fucking night and you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

After the club, most of you went back to your own flats, but Mikey, you, and Joe joined Josh and the Maynards at theirs. Joe went upstairs with Conor to talk about an impressions video they had been working on and Jack pulled you to the couch while the rest of the boys picked a movie to watch. Jack laid back into the corner of the couch with his legs down the length of the cushions and gestured for you to join him. "Come on, baby girl." You sat between his parted legs and leaned back against him, his arms circling your waist and your head laying back against his chest. The movie started and Conor and Joe joined you downstairs, finding their own spaces to get comfortable.

About a half hour into the movie and in the safety of the dark, Joe crept from his end of the couch to lay front to front against you, his face nuzzled into your chest. This of course left you once again in a Joe and Jack sandwich. You couldn't keep a smile off of your face as you watched Jack's hand start to play with Joe's messy hair, feeling the vibrations of Joe practically purring.

When the movie ended, Conor stood up and turned the lights back on. You were the only two left awake and you raised your finger to your lips, telling him to keep quiet. His eyes were wide as he took in the scene in front of him. Handing him your phone, you asked him to take a picture of the three of you. "Don't tell them I have a photo of this." you smiled. "It's just for me. I would never let it leak."

"You all seem mighty comfortable with each other." he laughed, handing your phone back to you.

"You think?" you joined in the giggles, the other two waking up feeling you laugh.

Joe saw that Conor had seen and started blushing. "I'm too drunk, mate." he smiled, sitting up.

Jack looked to see if Josh and Mikey were asleep and decided to just come out with it. Him and Conor were pretty open with each other about this kind of stuff and he knew Conor wouldn't care. "Joe, you don't have to worry." he laughed, seeing his red cheeks. "Conor, this is the threesome I told you about." Gesturing to the both of you.

"OOOOOHhhhhhh." Realization clear in his eyes. Conor simply said "I'm impressed" and started picking up the living room.

"Shall I take that as a compliment?" Joe asked, happy that he hadn't been found out by someone that would judge him for it.

"I'm definitely Jealous, so yes." he laughed. "Fuck it, I'll clean up tomorrow."

"I assume we're crashing here, so I'll help you clean tomorrow." you stood and kissed Conor on the cheek, making your way to the bathroom.

"How did you two idiots end up with that?" Conor laughed, pointing in the direction you walked.

"She's the one that picks, mate." Joe said, following after you.

"He's right." Jack answered, filling in Conor on how it all started.

"You're one lucky bastard." Conor replied. "Tell them that we'll all do a late breakfast tomorrow. I'm going to bed."

"Will do." Jack said, joining the two of you in his room.

"Can I steal a t-shirt?" you asked Jack.

"Of course, love. Here." he grabbed you a shirt and went to brush his teeth. When he returned, you and Joe were already curled up in bed. "Conor said we'll do a late breakfast tomorrow, so he'll probably wake us up." Jack crawled between the two of you and turned the light out.

"I'm in." you said, moving to lay half across Jack. "JOooooeee." you whined, waiting for him to cuddle with the two of you.

"I'm coming, love. Always so needy." he teased you, throwing an arm over you and jack and tangling your legs together.

"Sweet dreams, you two." Jack kissed your forehead.

"Mmmm, you too. Feels good to be back." You replied, half asleep already.

"Good to have you back." Joe mumbled.

When you woke up, it was to Conor telling you the others were already awake. "I told them Joe crashed with me."

"Thanks, buddy." Joe went upstairs to clean up in Conor's bathroom. Throwing your jeans back on, you decided to just keep Jack's shirt on and went to clean up in the downstairs bathroom.

"Hey, do Lacey and you have a thing going on?" Conor flopped down on Jack's bed with his brother.

Making a confused face, he answered. "No? We don't even flirt."

"Abe caught her taking pictures of you and Y/n last night at the club. Apparently you two were making out and she started talking shit about Y/n." Conor explained. "Abe deleted the pictures and told her to butt out of your business, but knowing what I know now, you guys should be careful."

"Y/n said she was causing drama yesterday. I'll have to ask her what happened." Jack replied, rolling out of bed. "I don't think it matters though. I'll talk to Joe."

"Works for me. Joe and I are recording later anyways." Conor answered, leaving Jack's room.

The whole household met up with some of the other boys downtown at a cafe for brunch. You and Josh had been talking about the latest horror movies coming out, so you decided to sit between him and Mikey so that you could continue. The meal was delicious and you guys had a great time. You saw Joe, Jack, and Conor whispering to each other occasionally and made a mental note to check that everything was alright later. "Y/n, we're going to Uber back to mine and Conor and Jack are coming over later to film." Joe grabbed your attention as everyone was getting ready to leave.

"Awesome. I want to shower." you said, making a face at the fact that you had all sweated your asses off dancing last night and no one had showered yet.

"We all need one." Joe laughed and grabbed your hand. Staring at your intertwined fingers, you gave Joe a look. "Stop worrying, love." He said, kissing your hand.

When you got back to Joe's he went into the bathroom and drew a bath. He threw in a bath bomb and lit a scented candle and grabbed a handful of towels. "Y/n" he called, knowing you were still in the living room.

You wandered to where his voice was coming from and saw him standing next to the bath. "Join me?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Always." you kissed his cheek and started stripping. "It smells so good in here." The two of you sat in opposite sides of the tub with your legs in each others laps. You were fully relaxed and opened your eyes to see a nervous looking Joe. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I am." he said with a half smile. "Have you ever thought about living here? In London?" he asked, leaning back and closing his eyes.

You stayed silent for a moment, just staring at Joe. "I mean, It would be really hard. It's expensive as hell to live out here and I'd have to find a job over here if I couldn't transfer." You answered honestly.

"So you've thought about it?" he asked, his eyes still closed.

"I'd use the word 'daydreamed'. I hadn't ever considered it as an actual option. Why?" You asked. When you didn't get an answer, you pulled your feet to you so you could slide to Joe's side of the tub, laying against him. "What's going on in that brain of yours?"

"Too much, love." he replied, looking down at you. "Have you ever given us any thought beyond what we currently do? Are?" Joe pushed your hair out of your eyes.

"I never let myself, I guess. We live on opposite sides of the world." you answered, tucking your face into his neck.

"Is that the only reason why?" He asked. You were thinking about what to say when he continued. "We've always been honest with each other, right?" he started rubbing soothing circles into your back.

"Absolutely." You replied.

"You can answer honestly." he encouraged.

"I didn't know if you'd actually want more." you replied, still hiding your face. "Normally things like this, us, just are what they are. No one marries the girl they boned with their buddy." You said exactly what you were thinking, knowing you and Joe truly were open and honest about everything.

You were almost startled when you felt and heard him chuckle. "Y/n, I don't judge you for that anymore than you judge me for it." he laughed a bit more. "What we choose to do in our bedroom doesn't change who we are as people."

"I knew there was a reason I picked you." you laughed, lifting your head to kiss him. "I've been feeling a bit like shit after meeting Jack's friend."

"Jack and Conor told me about that at the restaurant. She's already been told to mind her business, love. I don't care what she thinks and you shouldn't either."

"So what are you getting at?" you asked, smiling up at him, already feeling better.

"Last time you left London, I almost asked you to stay." he said, kissing you again. "You can ask Jack. I almost flew to California like a week after you left."

"So you've thought about us?" You asked him.

"This'll be the fourth time we've met up and I'd say by the end of the second trip, you had me. It was just fun with a great girl at first, but we click. We're good together." Joe replied.

"We are. We always have been." You replied.

"Consider it, then?" Joe still looked nervous. "I'd like to call you my girlfriend. Not my fuck buddy or my 'friend'. I want to hold your hand and kiss you in public without worrying about who might see."

"I think I'd like that." You kissed him and felt him smile against your lips.

After the two of you had rinsed off and gotten dressed, you cuddled up in the living room to wait for the Maynard brothers. Getting everybody drinks after the boys arrived, Joe entered the room and cleared his throat. "I have an announcement." he said, handing them their drinks. "She said yes." he clinked his glass with theirs and came to sit by you.

"You guys had quite the conversation at the restaurant." you laughed, pecking Joe on the lips.

"You could say that." He replied.

"Congratulations, you two." Conor said, happy to see his friend happy.

"Thank you." you replied.

"I'm glad Joe finally fessed up." Jack said. "I had to talk him out of just showing up at your door a few times."

"Told you!" Joe looked at you. "We should have had this conversation a long time ago."

"You can't worry about the past, love." You said, stealing his drink. "Don't you two have to film a video?"

"We do." Conor said, standing up and grabbing the box of equipment he brought over.

When Joe and Conor disappeared to film, you and Jack put Stranger Things on the T.V. and got comfy on the couch. When you went to lean on Jack, he scooted over and let you topple onto the couch. "You're gonna get me in trouble." he laughed.

"Am not!" you replied with a hilarious look of shock on your face, picking up a pillow and whacking him with it.

"Joe!" Jack called out. "Your girlfriend is trying to cuddle with me."

Joe walked into the living room having heard the commotion but not what Jack said. "What are you on about?"

"I said your girlfriend is trying to cuddle with me." Jack repeated, still laughing at how indignant you looked when you fell to the couch.

Joe laughed when he caught a glimpse of your pouty face. "Awww, is Jack afraid of your cooties?" he teased, coming to kiss you. Joe heard Conor call his name and ran back out of the room.

You grabbed your pillow and cuddled into the end of the couch away from Jack. "Oh, don't be a baby." he laughed. "I just didn't want to overstep, love." He pulled you to his side of the couch.

You couldn't keep the pout up and ended up laughing. "I told you I wasn't going to get you in trouble." you replied, snuggling into Jack.

When Conor and Joe were finally finished filming, you had both fallen asleep. "Just leave him." Joe told Conor, walking the equipment out to the car and saying their goodbyes.

Joe walked back into the house and took a moment to appreciate the cute quiet scene in front of him. "Wake up, loves." Joe ran his fingers through your hair and Jack's.

"Where's Conor?" Jack asked, stretching and standing up.

"He went home." Joe replied walking towards the kitchen. "What sounds good for dinner?" he asked.

"He left me?" Jack faked being hurt, following Joe.

"I told him to." Joe said, staring at Jack. "Y/n, what sounds good for dinner?"

Jack's cheeks went pink when he realized what Joe was getting at. "I didn't think I'd be invited now that you're actually dating."

Having been listening to the conversation, you walked in and slipped your arms around Jack's middle. "Pasta?" you said, peeking around his arm.

"Pasta it is." He replied, leaning in to kiss you. "Jack? Are you in?" Joe stood in front of you and Jack waiting for his answer.

Jack looked back over his shoulder at you for a second before turning back to Joe and placing his hands on either side of his face. "Promise I wont mess things up between you two?"

"Of course, mate." Joe replied.

Jack leaned in and pressed a sweet but chaste kiss to Joe's lips and asked, "How can I help with dinner?"

After food and lounging about in the living room, Joe turned off of the T.V. and started towards the spare room. "Come on, you two."

"After you, love." Jack followed you back to the bedroom.

"Have anything specific in mind?" you asked Joe, walking up to him and pulling him down into a kiss.

He pulled you to him and whispered "Blindfold Jack" before walking out of the room.

"Ooooo, come here, pretty boy." you said, turning to Jack and sitting him down on the bed. "Stay." you said, walking to the closet and grabbing a bandana.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied, watching you closely.

Kissing Jack, you told him to close his eyes. After tying the bandana over his eyes, you pulled his shirt off and stripped out of your clothes. You stood between Jack's legs and felt his hands wander up your body before pulling you to straddle his lap.

Joe walked back in the room with a few treats and set them down on the bedside table. "This is a lovely sight to come back to." Joe said, pulling your hair to the side and placing kisses down your neck. "Jack, I need you to lay down in the middle of the bed."

"I'm not gonna lie, being blindfolded with you two makes me nervous." Jack laughed, helping you up and then scooting back to lay on the bed.

"Don't be nervous." Joe said, unbuckling Jack's jeans and pulling them off of him.

You crawled onto the bed while Joe was stripping and kissed your way down Jack's chest to the top of his boxers. "These have to go." you said, inching them down and covering the new exposed flesh in kisses.

"You're teasing me, love." Jack wriggled on the bed.

"That's half the fun" you said, taking him in your mouth and bobbing a few times before pulling his boxers completely off. Joe showed you the plate of treats he had gathered and you grabbed a Nutella dipped strawberry and laid next to Jack on the bed. "Open your mouth, love. A little more." you said, placing the tip of the strawberry against his tongue.

"Mmmmm." Jack moaned, taking the strawberry into his mouth. You licked a bit of Nutella off of his lip and he pulled you into a kiss.

Joe grabbed a bottle of chocolate sauce and drizzled a bit on Jack's chest before making his way lower and dripping it across Jack's fully hard erection.

"Oh, fuck." Jack gasped, clutching the duvet.

"You gotta stay still." you said, licking up the chocolate that Joe had drizzled across his chest, paying extra attention to Jack's now hard nipples.

"I can't." Jack gasped as Joe flattened his tongue and started licking stripes up Jack's dick, removing most of the chocolate. "It's hard when I can't see what's going on. Was that Joe?!" Jack's whole body was flushed pink.

You loved watching the two of them together, so you couldn't tear your eyes away from Joe slowly torturing Jack. "It sure was." you crawled down to capture Joe's lips in a kiss. "Let me?" you asked, positioning yourself between Jack's legs. Licking up the rest of the chocolate, you slid your lips around Jack and took him to the back of your throat.

"Mmmm, fuck." Jack continued to moan. "Being blindfolded is way more intense than I thought it would be." Jack said between heavy breaths and gasps.

Joe grabbed another strawberry and fed it to Jack. "Are you ready to watch?" he asked Jack. licking up the bits of chocolate you left on Jack's chest.

"Please." he replied.

Joe kissed Jack while pulling the bandana away from his eyes. "Is it weird to tell my mate he's got a talented mouth?" Jack smiled up at Joe.

"God I could watch you two all day long." you said, pulling off of Jack with a 'pop'.

Jack looked down to see your pink swollen lips slide back down around his throbbing dick. "Mmm, god, you're gorgeous." he said, reaching down to push your hair out of your eyes.

Hollowing your cheeks, you started slowing down but taking him deeper, knowing he was getting close. Jack's toes started to curl and he was having a hard time laying still. "If you keep that up, I'm gonna cum." Jack said, running his fingers through your hair.

Swirling your tongue at the tip, you took him back in your mouth and started fondling his balls, humming against his sensitive member. "I think that's what she wants." Joe said.

"Oh, god. Y/n!" He yelled, climaxing into your mouth. You swallowed down everything he gave you and crawled up his body to kiss him, grabbing a strawberry for yourself.

Jack laid back, sweaty and out of breath. Joe put on a condom and grabbed you, pulling you to him, your back to his chest. Running his hand down your tummy and over your soaked center, he lined himself up and started slowly thrusting into you from behind. "Joe." You moaned his name. "Why have we never tried this position before?" you asked, feeling him fill you and hit that sensitive spot perfectly.

"God you feel so good." Joe said, speeding up his thrusts. "We're definitely adding this to our favorites."

Jack rolled to face you and scooted close enough to capture your lips in a kiss. One of his hands came to rest on your side and the other one inched down your torso to rub slow circles on your clit. Sharing lazy kisses with Jack and feeling Joe inside you had your head swimming. You were on your second orgasm when Joe's thrusts started becoming frantic and out of rhythm.

"Y/n." he moaned your name, cumming into the condom. He laid there for a moment, still inside you, pressing kisses to the back of your neck. "Are you good, love?" he asked, slowly pulling out of you.

"Mmmm, yes. I'm great." You replied, breaking your kiss with Jack and turning to face your boyfriend. You kissed him and he laughed. "What was that for?" you asked, watching Joe chuckle.

"You taste like Jack and chocolate." he replied, pulling you into another kiss.

"You do too, though." you laughed. "Shower?"

"Definitely. I'll go get it ready." Joe said, rolling off of the bed and grabbing his phone. "Conor said everyone is going out again tonight. You guys in?"

"I'm in." Jack said, flopping over and nuzzling his face into your breasts.

"I'm in." you added, running your fingers through Jack's sweaty hair.

"I let him know." Joe said, dropping his phone on the bed.

The three of you showered, sharing kisses and cuddles. You all got ready and had a great night out with the rest of the boys. Joe made sure you were okay with him telling everyone you were dating and then made a point of introducing you to everyone as his girlfriend, including Lacey. With snapchat and instagram, his subscribers had figured it out by the end of the night.

When everyone started making their way home, Jack went to follow Josh, but Joe grabbed him and pulled him back. "No way, buddy."

"What?" Jack asked, tipsy and confused.

"Come cuddle." you whispered into his ear, kissing him on the cheek.

"Are you sure?" Jack asked, kissing your cheek but looking at Joe.

"I told you. You're always welcome." Joe replied.

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