Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader

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"Totally up to you if you want to write this or not, but possibly an imagine where the reader is friends with the buttercream squad and she films a video with Josh, Conor and Jack and they somehow ruin her shirt so Josh offers her one of his and she's a bit insecure because she's curvy that it won't fit but he encourages her to put it on and sure enough it fits, and the guys tell her not to be insecure about her weight :)"


"WRONG!" Jack yells, signaling that you and Josh have to do another forfeit and that Jack and Conor get another point.

"How am I supposed to know your family cat's name??" you complain.

"I'm hurt, y/n" Jack feigned "You don't follow me on snapchat, obviously, because I've only said it a thousand times."

On your trip to London you had tried to make the rounds to bank as many collab videos as possible. You had filmed a hilarious go-pro hide and seek video with you and Joe against Zalfie, a very dramatic nerd vs nerd video with Dan and Phil, a clothes swapping video with Louise, and you and Josh had just finished vlogging your first tour around the city. When you arrived back at the flat Jack asked you and Josh to film a video for his "Brothers vs _______" series.

"Drama queen. What is our forfeit?" Josh asked, knowing that there were only 3 or 4 left and they were all bad.

Conor pulled a piece of paper out of the hat and started laughing so hard he couldn't read it. Grabbing it from his hand, you read it out loud. "Oh, god. It says to let the members of the opposite team give you a Marmite face mask."

"Yes!" Jack cheered, leaving the room to grab the Marmite.

"Pleeeeeeeeease don't get this in my hair." you begged, knowing he was still going to get it everywhere, including your hair.

Sitting down with the brothers standing behind you two, Jack started putting Marmite all over your face while Conor started drawing a penis on Josh's face with the Marmite. "Jack! You just dropped it down my shirt! Ew! It's squidgy! And all over my boobs!"

Perfectly timed, all three boys moved so they could see where Jack had just dropped the Marmite. "Really boys?" you laughed, staring at the camera.

"Looks like we have our thumbnail" Conor laughed. "I think Y/n got the worst of this, though." He dipped his hand in the Marmite drenching Josh's hair and face in the rest of it.

Finally it was time to end the video. Jack and you sat in the middle with his arm around your shoulders. Josh on your other side and Conor on Jack's other side. "Subscribe to these three and give this video a thumbs up! I have to say, I've never seen Marmite look so good." Jack teased as he once more openly looked at your now very sticky cleavage.

Turning the camera off, Conor offered you his bathroom to clean up since Josh had just hopped in the downstairs shower. "I'll show you where everything is." he lead you up to his bathroom after you grabbed your bag.

"Towels are in there, use whatever you want in the shower, and the hair dryer and stuff is all under here." Conor pointed.

"Thanks. I cannot wait to not be sticky." you laughed, finally getting your face clean in the sink. Opening your bag, your stomach dropped. "Oh, shit. I don't know where I left my sweater." you said, realizing you'd have to hand wash your shirt in the sink and wait for it to dry.

"That's not a problem, I'll just grab one of my t shirts." Conor went to leave.

"No, no. I'll just hand wash this one really quick if you can throw it in the dryer while I'm in the shower?" you asked hoping he'd just do it and not argue with you.

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