Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut]

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A lot of people assume that sex gets boring after dating someone for a  few years, but you and Jack had found quite a few ways to keep your  love life interesting. Your favorite thing to do to each other was to  rile the other up in situations where you couldn't do anything about it.

Getting  ready for work in the morning, you smirked down at a bare assed Jack,  still snuggled into the bed. Picking out one of his favorite outfits,  you put on your heels and a high waist pencil skirt. He loved how your  legs looked in heels. Riding down the elevator, you snapped a picture of  your outfit  and text it to him. "Hope you have a good day, baby. Love  you." You knew he wasn't going to be up for a few hours, but you  couldn't wait for his response.

Seeing your phone go off  on your lunch break, you opened Jack's text. It was a picture of him  smirking at the camera. "I love you too, but you did that on purpose."

You laughed, and text back. "Maybe, maybe not."

"Come on, love. Send me another picture ;)" He text back.

"What did you do to deserve that?" you text back, already trying to think of a picture that would drive him crazy.

"Nothing  yet, but I'd make it worth your while." He wrote back, snapping a  picture of himself with the duvet placed very carefully.

You  stepped into your office's bathroom and locked the door, pulling off  your blouse and standing in front of the massive mirror. Snapping a  picture of you in your lacy bra, heels, and skirt pulled half way up  your thighs, you text him back. "You don't get anything tonight if you  touch yourself now."

"God,  you're gorgeous. But that is 3 hours away! How am I supposed to wait 3  hours after that picture?!" he replied, sending you a pouty faced  picture.

"What  about this. If you wait until I get home, we'll try something on our  list. You choose." You text back. The two of you had made a list of  things you were both wanting or willing to try in bed. Jack had 2 or 3  he had been dying to do.

"Done. Come home straight after work. I'll be waiting." Jack replied, already planning.

"Don't cheat." you wrote, adding one more picture before putting your shirt back on and returning to your office.

"Damn, baby girl. I promise I won't cheat. I can't wait for you to get home." was the last text you got from him at work.

When  you made it to your flat's elevator, you text Jack. "On my way up ;)"  Walking into the flat, you made it about half way to your room before  Jack came out and threw you over his shoulder. You squealed and laughed,  slapping Jack on the ass.

"Welcome  home, beautiful." Jack said, slapping your ass in return. He walked out  onto the balcony with you still flung over his shoulder, only putting  you down after he had closed the door.

"Ooo, the balcony??" You asked. "When I agreed to this one I kind of thought it would be at night." you laughed.

"Nope. Knees. Now." Jack said with his fake stern face on.

"Oh, yes sir." you laughed, slowly dropping to your knees and working his pants open.

"You  did a mean thing, love." he said, lifting your chin to make you look up  at him as you pulled his already hard dick out of his pants.

"I  did." you said, placing feather light kisses up the back of his  erection making him gasp. "But if I didn't instigate this morning, we  wouldn't be here now." you continued, taking him in your mouth without  breaking eye contact.

"Oh, fuck." Jack said, watching you and then looking out over the city.

"Is it as good as you imagined?" you asked after spending a few minutes pleasuring Jack.

"Better,  love." he said, telling you to stand up. He ripped open a condom and  rolled it on, turning you around to lean against the balcony wall. "Ass  out, sweetheart." he said, slowly running his shaking hands up your  thighs to pull your skirt up to gather at your waist. "Keep your heels  on."

You  were always so turned on when you watched Jack get lost in the moment.  "God, I love you." you said, pushing your ass back into him.

"Behave."  he said, before dipping his fingers into the front of your panties. His  favorite pair, to be specific. "Mmmmm, so wet for me, baby? Were you  sitting there at work wondering what I'd pick?" Jack said, pulling down  your thong for you to step out of it.

"Of  course." you replied, feeling him line himself up with your opening.  "Come on, baby. Make it count." you said, right before he slammed into  you.

"Oh, I  am." Jack said, sucking a purple mark into the side of your neck and  hearing you moan. "All of those people that live in those flats can see  you, you know." he continued, getting off on the fact that you guys were  fucking semi in public.

Slipping  your hand down to touch yourself, you had a hard time keeping quiet.  "Teasing you this morning was the best decision I've made in a long  time." you said before losing your voice to more moans and gasps as your  orgasm washed over you.

"I bet  the neighbors agree with you. They can probably hear you moaning my  name." Jack said as he joined you. "Fuck." Jack's arms came around you  to hold you back against him, slipping out of you and trying to catch  his breath.

"I  should let you pick off of that list more often." you said, folding  your arms over Jack's as the two of you looked out over the city.

Turning  you to face him, he pulled you into a proper, gentle kiss. "I love you  so much." he said, bending over to grab your underwear and fixing your  skirt before ditching the condom and doing his jeans back up.

"I love you too." you replied, stepping out of your heels and pulling Jack to you, resting your head on his chest.

"Are  you alright, love? Was I too rough?" Jack asked, wrapping his arms  around you. For as kinky as you two got, Jack always made sure he took  care of you.

"I'm great, babe. I need to clean up my knees, but I couldn't be better." You replied, letting him drag you inside.

"Let me." he said, making sure your scraped knees were cleaned up and you got into comfy clothes.

Later  that night when Conor got back to the flat, he stopped in your room to  catch up. "Did you guys see the memo board downstairs? There's a huge  sign that says 'Please make sure that your windows are closed during  loud adult activities.'" Conor said, chuckling. You and Jack looked at  each other for a second before busting up laughing. "Oh, god. I don't  want to know, do I?"

"No, mate. You really don't." Jack said, still laughing.

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