Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]

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Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday! What would I do without you. I would constantly be late,  stressed, bored, losing things, hungry, lost...You've always been there for me and I hope that we're friends forever. I can't imagine not seeing  you every day. I hope your day is special. Love you, buddy.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday! I'm so glad you made the decision to move with me. I know  it's going to be scary, but if Caspar can do it, we can. lol. I know  that I'd be lost without you there to take care of me and I can't wait  for our new adventures in London. I promise to try to take care of you  too. I'm terrified to leave South Africa, but I can't imagine moving  with anyone but you.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday! I know you're mad at me right now, but I also know you'll  eventually open this. I need to apologize, so please answer your phone.  You were right. I picked the wrong girl. I promise I'll trust you next  time you tell me someone isn't good for me. You always have my back and I  never should have ditched my best friend. I didn't realize how stupid I  was being until it all fell apart. Please come back to London. I can't  do this without you. Even if you don't call me back, I hope that your  birthday is filled with everything you deserve. I miss you so much.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday! I'm so glad I got to see you at the festival. I miss seeing  you every day. I'm a bit torn at the moment on whether or not I should  stay here with Caspar or come home. I know I have friends here, but it's  not the same. I really wish you'd come live here again. I need my best  friend. :) Anyways, I hope you have a great day. Hopefully Caspar and I  will be down next month so I can take you out. I need some us time. Love  and miss you.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend.

Happy  Birthday! I'm writing this while watching you sleep curled up on the  couch next to me. This one is going to be really hard to write. If you  don't feel the same, please let me down gently. You've always been the  stronger of the two of us. You've been visiting for a week and I've come  to a realization. I'm in love with my best friend. You weren't feeling  good, but you told me to go out with the boys anyways. I made sure I  left you some tea and set up a movie and grabbed you blankets and  medicine. I couldn't let loose out with the boys because all I wanted to  do was come home and check on you. I caught shit from the boys all  night because I kept looking at my phone hoping you had checked in. When  I left the flat, you were watching our favorite movie in the living  room. When I came home, you weren't there and I was worried. I found you  wearing my old ripped up hoodie, bundled up in my bed. I immediately  felt the panic leave my chest and I realized how worried I was. I  crawled into bed with you and watched you sleep, pulling you to my chest  when you started tossing and turning. I never wanted to leave that bed.  I would have been content to hold you in my arms for the rest of my  life.

If you don't feel the same, I'm sorry if I've made it awkward for you.

If you do feel the same, I'm sorry it took me so damn long to realize that I was in love with my best friend.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday. I am the luckiest man on the planet. You have constantly put  up with my shit and decided to love me anyways. I couldn't ask for a  better best friend or girlfriend. I can't wait to take you out for our  anniversary dinner. Since you won't be opening this until after, I can  tell you here. I'm going to ask you to be my wife. I know that to some,  we're just dumb kids still, but I'd be mad to think I could ever love  anyone as much as I love you. I don't deserve you and I have no idea why  you love me, but I'm not going to question it. I hope you say yes  because I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy  birthday and anniversary, love.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday! It's been exactly one week since I sobbed watching you walk  down the aisle in our wedding. You were so beautiful. I still don't know  why you picked me, but I'll take it. I vowed to spend the rest of my  life making you smile when you're stressed. I vowed to always have your  best interest at heart. I vowed to love you even when we're old and  saggy and can't hear half of what each other is saying. I even vowed to  take the trash out whenever you asked, lol. My favorite vow, however,  was to cherish our time together. It's a lesson I learned way before I  realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. The first month  that you left London, I was a mess. I couldn't share my moments with  you and it tore me up. I can't wait to spend our moments together. Even  the stressed ones. It's still crazy to me that you're my wife. I hope  your birthday is wonderful, love.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday, beautiful. You are currently visiting your parents in SA, but  you'll be back tomorrow. Last month you gave me the best news I've ever  received. You told me I was going to be a dad. I have to be honest. I  may have panicked and passed out when you left the room, lol. It's not  because I don't want to be a dad. It's because I don't ever want to  disappoint you. I want to be the best friend, husband,  and dad I can  be. I stopped worrying when I realized our beautiful baby is going to  have you as a mom. You've taken care of me since we were little. You'd  tell me when one of my ideas was too dangerous. You built me a fort in  your backyard the first time a girl broke up with me. You baked goodies  for me the first time I had to travel away from home for a game. You  even moved to London when I was afraid to do so on my own. I couldn't  have asked for a better partner in crime. I promise to be the best dad I  can possibly be. I even promise to become a pro diaper changer, lol. I  hope your birthday is wonderful and I can't wait to pick you up from the  airport tomorrow.

Love, Josh.


Dear best friend,

Happy  Birthday, mommy. I'm writing this on my laptop while our sweet baby  girl is asleep on my chest. She looks exactly like you, but she's a  blondie. There's a good chance you're going to raise a little ginger  baby. I've started writing Birthday letters to her. There's only one so  far, but I promise to write one every year. I can't thank you enough for  giving me everything I never dreamed of having. Our little family is  growing and I'd take on the world to keep you guys safe and happy. I  love you both so much. She is so beautiful, just like her mom. I swear  you get prettier every day. I feel like a nervous teen every time I take  you out. I just want to give you the best and I can't wait to raise  this little one with you.

I  know that life is going to get stressful. We've had it pretty easy so  far, but I'm with you regardless of what comes at us. I hope your  birthday is spent making happy memories. I love you so much.

Love, Josh.

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