4 O U | g.d

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The three participants of the 4OU Tour in Houston had gone back on stage for a question and answer with the fans. (Y/N) sat in the middle, Ethan to her right and Grayson to her left.

Ethan had answered the first question, then Grayson answered the second question, and now it was time (Y/N) to answer the third question.

The question read, ' @unholydolans: who is more daddy?'

(Y/N) laughed as she read the question. "Well," she sighed. She looked at Ethan and then Grayson. She couldn't decide on which twin acted more of a dad. "It's a tie between both of them," she smiled. "What? When do I ever act like a dad?" Ethan argued. "Oh, so you wanna go there?" (Y/N) chuckled. She turns to the fans in the crowd to explain her story.

"Okay so...yesterday at our hotel Grayson and I were just watching Suicide Squad because I'm in love with Jared Letto. We were eating WhatABurger because that is the best fast food restaurant ever and Ethan comes in and he's all like 'I'm not gonna pick up after you guys if you make a mess.' "

"No! No! I didn't" Ethan protested. "Yes, you did Ethan, let me finish my story." "I said 'You guys literally leave a huge mess everywhere, don't expect me to pick it up.' " "Ugh, same difference," (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"Okay, so anyways, Grayson and I just looked at him then back at the movie. Then, he gets in front of us and he's all like 'Did you guys even hear me?' and ugh, he pissed me off so bad because the movie was at one of the best parts.

"Okay, that story wasn't even half true," Ethan complained. "Yes it was, I have a witness. Right Grayson?" (Y/N) turned her attention to Grayson. "Well I mean, you did something similar to that, E," Grayson scratched the back of his head. "Dude, you're supposed to be on my side," Ethan jokingly gasped.

"Anyways...how Grayson is a dad...umm...okay, so all three of us were at the Galleria Mall in Dallas like two days ago, and we were walking around. I saw this really cute guy there.

"He wasn't even your type," Grayson interrupted. "Oh really? And what exactly is my type?" Grayson didn't answer her question.

I'm your type, Grayson thought. He wish he could tell (Y/N) that, but he knew most of his fans would hate in him as well as (Y/N). All he wanted was to see her happy, so he kept quiet.

"That's what I thought," she laughed.
"So, I told both of them that they could go on without me while I go talk to the cute guy. I go up to the guy and we start talking, and all of a sudden Grayson steps in and he's all like , 'Yo (Y/N) we have to go get you new underwear since you stained your other ones.' Which was a total lie by the way. But like, I've never felt so embarrassed in front of a guy so bad. Like once Grayson said that, the guy's eyes widened and he started awkwardly walking away. I legit wanted to kick Grayson in the balls." (Y/N) explained to the fans. "In my defense, I saved you from going out on a date," Grayson added. "Ugh, whatever," she rolled her eyes. The fans started laughing at the three of them bickering back and forth with each other.

The trio answered the last couple of questions before bowing and heading off stage to get ready for the last part of the tour stop, the meet and greet.

"Hey, (Y/N), can I talk to you for a sec?" Grayson asked, he seemed a bit nervous. (Y/N) noticed, but she didn't say anything because Grayson is always saying how much of a shy, awkward, goof he is. "Umm, yeah sure," (Y/N) agreed. "Five minutes til the meet and greet starts guys," Kyle announced. "Okay, thanks Kyle," (Y/N) smiled. She turned her attention back to Grayson and waited for him to say what he wanted to say. "So, that story you said...about me not letting you have a boyfriend..." he trailed off. (Y/N) knew where this was going, so she went for it.

(Y/N) had always been a fan of the Dolan Twins, but she always kept it low key. She didn't want to mess up or seem like some crazy stalker. Plus, she'd have to do all the talking because she already knew everything about them, and they'd want to get to know her.

She gave Grayson a small peck on his lips and smiled. Grayson had smiled as well. "How'd you-" "Well...it was kind of obvious," she laughed. " 'I didn't want you to have a boyfriend because then I'd be jealous and I'm the right guy for you.' " she tried to mimic him. Grayson blushed because she knew exactly what he was feeling, but he felt less awkward with her since she was okay and made a joke about it.

"Oh and uh, sorry about embarrassing you in front of him," Grayson apologized. "Don't sweat it Gray, like you said, he wasn't even my type," she winked. "Oh, then what is your type?" he smirked. "Hmm, I don't know," she smirked back and wrapped her arms around his neck to give him a peck on the lips. They smiled at each other for five seconds. "Wait, I know I should have done this more special, but would you like to be my girlfriend?" Grayson asked sheepishly. "I'd be flattered," (Y/N) giggled.

"Ready guys?" Ethan asked. "Ready Freddie," (Y/N) joked. "Uhh, my name's Ethan." "Soiled it," (Y/N) shook her head.

They walked to their spots for the meet and greet. (Y/N) and Grayson finally being a secret couple until they were both comfortable with telling their fans that they were happy together.


well hey there guys :)) it's been a long while. idk when the last time it was since I updated (this is actually a draft from a long time ago I just never published it) but a loT has changed. obviously I'm now a kpop fan and lemme tell you...ta👏🏼lent👏🏼 whew! but I hope you like this bc 2017 (I think) me was really creative with this

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