cancer | g.d

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(Y/N) walked into her household that she shared with her lovely boyfriend, Grayson. She set her belongings by the door and set the keys on the rack.

"Grayson, I'm home," she called out. Grayson didn't respond. (Y/N) headed for the stairs and walked up to their shared room. "Babe?" she opened the door and peeked her head in.

She saw Grayson lying on the bed with his face dug into his pillow and heard him sniffle. Her face dropped at the sight of Grayson being sad.

"My poor baby. What's wrong?" she sat on the bed and rubbed his back. He sniffled rather loud and sat up with his back against the headboard. "My-my mom ju-just called me to tell m-me that my-" Grayson bursted into tears before he could finish his sentence.

(Y/N)'s hearted ached more and more by the second because the one person who never failed to make her happy was at his weakest point. Now, it was her turn to do the same for him.

She straddled Grayson, pulled him in for a hug and started stroking his hair. "Words baby, use your words." Grayson took a deep breath, "My mom called me to tell me that my dad has cancer." Tears were streaming down Grayson's face while (Y/N) was in a pure stage of shock. She told herself she wouldn't cry because that would only make Grayson feel worse, and she didn't want that.

She thought of a way to calm Grayson down. "Hey, look at me Gray," (Y/N) grabbed Grayson's face and made him face her. "It's not the end of the world," she tried to ease him. "You're dad is a very strong guy. I'm sure he'll fight with all his body and beat cancer's ass. Focus on the positives right now Gray, and remember, you're not alone. You have me, Ethan, and four million fans that you can talk to. Stop making yourself have gray skies and have blue skies," (Y/N) laughed after her pun. "Get it?" she asked. "Because I said 'Gray skies' and your nickname is 'Gray'," she explained. Grayson cracked a smile at how cute his girlfriend was being. "There's the baby boy I know," (Y/N) smiled.

She leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. Grayson sniffled and laughed at his girlfriend. He gave her another peck and hugged her with his head buried in her neck.

"I honestly don't know what I'd do without someone like you," he inhaled her scent. "If you didn't have me, you wouldn't know how to make Grayt puns," she laughed. Grayson pulled away from the hug, "I don't get you." "Instead of spelling great 'g-r-e-a-t', you'd spell it 'g-r-a-y-t' which is your nickname with a 't' at the end," (Y/N) explained. "Ooh, I get it," Grayson chuckled, "I swear you're such a dork." "Ha, but I'm your dork which means now you have to put up with me," (Y/N) winked. "Touché," Grayson smiled.

And (Y/N) successfully got her baby boy happy again.


I almost cried while writing this I-

but Sean is a strong guy, I know he'll make it through:))

and btw those are my puns that I came up with haha I know I'm not funny

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