daddy | g.d

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"Okay, what's the last question," (Y/N) turned to look at the screen behind her. She was currently apart of the 4OU Tour with the Dolan Twins. The question read:

@moanindolan: how do you feel when someone calls you daddy?

She bit her lip trying to hold her laugh, and an idea came to mind. "Are you ready for your next question daddy?" she whispered in Grayson's ear. Grayson did a full body cringe while (Y/N) chuckled. She turned to Ethan, "How 'bout you daddy? Are you ready?" Ethan just tried to calm himself down. (Y/N) chuckled, "Okay. This question is from moaning," she spoke into Ethan's ear, "Dolan," she whispered into Grayson's. Both (Y/N) and the crowd laughed because they liked to see the flustered side of the twins. "I'm sorry, I don't think you were able to hear me clearly," she sarcastically apologized. "The question is from moaning," she whispered into Grayson's ear this time, "Dolan," she whispered into Ethan's ear." "Okay, okay, just ask the freaking question (Y/N)," Grayson let out. "Okay, fine. How do you feel when someone calls you daddy?"

(Y/N) turned to Grayson first. "How does it make you feel daddy?" she teased. "I don't really like it," he confessed. "You sure about that daddy?" (Y/N) pressed on; she loved to tease Grayson. "I'm one hundred percent sure," Grayson nodded. "Okay, well...what about papi?" she smirked. "Wh-no. What? Is that even a thing?" Grayson blushed. She shrugged and turned to Ethan. "How about you daddy? What's your answer?" "I feel flattered," Ethan smirked. "Well, there goes the end of that," (Y/N) stated.

The trio ended the show and where now getting ready for the meet and greet. They were changing outfits since their current ones smelt like cake and sweat.

(Y/N) got out of her mini dressing room bc started to walk towards her destination, but she was quickly pushed to the wall by a strong force.

"What the-" "I swear, call me daddy one more time and I will fuck you so hard baby girl," Grayson whispered, his lips just centimeters away from hers. "I thought you said you didn't like it...daddy," she burn her lip. "Mmm, I'd make an exception for you. It rolls off your tongue so perfectly. I wonder what else it could do perfectly," Grayson smirked. "Well that's for me to know and you to find out," (Y/N) gently pushed Grayson away from her. "How about I find out right now," he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Guys, two minutes till meet and greet time," Ethan announced. "Two minutes isn't enough for you to get the......full effect," she cocked her head to the side and smirked. "You're most definitely right, but this isn't over yet baby girl," he winked at her as he walked to where Ethan was. "No it isn' it isn't," she lightly chuckled.


wOW I'm actually updating and fuck I just realized I'm supposed to be updating with an Ethan imagine instead of a Grayson one bUT WHO FUCKING CARES (actually I do bc I'm an Ethan girl...iM SORRY ETHAN ILL DO LIKE 5 IMAGINES IF/WHEN I GET IDEAS)

yes I am aware that this sucks thANKS FOR REMINDING ME :))

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