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November 27, 1955 [ Friday ]
- Ariana
I open the handles of the Karaoke bar, smelling the scent of lit cigarettes and expensive wine, exuding it's strong smell, I try to take no notice of its fragranced aroma.

I approach the black painted metal seat, and place my journal down. Turning to the new available page, I curiously thought of what I could put note on. I tap my wooden pencil as I anticipate what's to come, and what has came.

My head swiftly turns to the door I just have opened a few minutes ago, intrigued at what I see. It was him again, the curly haired young man, with his mesmerizing deep green eyes, and plump red lips, catching everyone's attention.. As his attention turns to me, but turns back to the spotlight shining towards the lit up stage. My eyes rake down his body as I observe his presence. I fix my skirt and my posture, turning back to the stage in front of me. Watching as he steps on the cemented stair case, with each tap of his shoe. There stood, Harry Styles.

His destination was to always come here on Fridays, and so was mine, and he was the only reason I came. His Captivating features hypnotized me to want to grow knowledge of who he is. He comes here exactly 7 in the late night of London, singing songs to the drunken women and men. I believe I'm the only one in this bar who does not drink, I dislike the thought of being in a drunken state.

He starts singing, I smile as I hear the loving words that come out of his mouth, I can tell he's a very poetic man, according to the meanings of his song. My curiousness has caressed my mine with floating thoughts and questions. He must be very experienced.

My thoughts have come into mind as an idea approached into my brain. Why not write about him?

"... Curly hair, deep sea green eyes, defining beautiful features which catches every attention in the city. Oh how his gifted voice is being heard from the audience, and how he puts his passion into the song he wrote from heart and mind. I want to approach the guy. If I only had the courage..I would likely do. This guy was well known as "The Young Lad." Or, Harry. Harry Edward styles.."

"Thank You!" He screams out as he walks down the stage, and down the noisy audience.. approaching the empty table in front of me. He sits carelessly on to chair, taking a cigarette out lighting it up. You can do this Ariana. Just go up to him and everything will be fine.

His gaze fixes upon me as I stood up from my seat, and walking towards him with my black pumps clicking against the floor. I sit on the chair in front of him smiling and tightly gripping on my journal as he smirks.

"Hi, I'm Ariana, Ariana Grande-Butera" I put my hand in the air waiting for him to shake it..he chuckles instead and blows out a puff of smoke.


N/A: lol 10th book! Woah. Hope you enjoyed this new book and I might make a series out of it. Hope y'all love it. Thank You guys. ♡̩♡̩

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