Chapter 14

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Arianas outfit! ^ cute ik. 💓 well to some it might be cute. If you no like, imagine a different outfit. Haha ❤️❤️ love you.
Saturday came by quickly and here I am sitting inside a car with Louis. Honestly I'm kind of creeped out. Instead of watching the movie he's looking at my body and watching my movements as I much on some popcorn.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Ehehe....

"Um.. I don't really think much of my beauty." I smile "popcorn?" I offer.

"No thank you darling.."

"It's unbuttered." I say as I continue munching on them.


"It's unsalted." I say as I keep offering him. Just to clear out the weirdness. Second thought.. This is weird. Oh well.

"Please, no thank you."

"Your loss." i say as i continue munching on the popcorn. He snickers continuing to stare at me

That's when I remembered. I have to visit Harry after this date. Honestly.. I'm excited for what's to come.

My thoughts get interrupted as I feel Louis cold hand "drop" on my pale thighs. Going upwards my skirt. I cough and fix my position as he quickly released his hand off. I hear him snicker as he fixes his position too.

"It's getting late.. I think I should head home now. Is it.. Okay if you bring me home? I'll give you the address." I smile as if nothing happened.

"Sure baby." Baby? Ugh.

I gave him Harry's address and we drive in awkward silence as his hand was still placed on my thigh. I sigh in desperation; wanting him to just keep his hands to himself.

"Ariana.. Are you sure this is your house? I don't remember it looking like this.." I froze.

"I'm staying with my mom for a few days. So I just gave you her address. Anywho.. Thank you for taking me to the drive in... And taking me home. See you Friday..."

"See you beautiful!" I smile slightly and close the door, watching him as he drove away. I clear my throat and fix my dress and hair. I knock on the door and prepare for what's to come.

"A-ariana. Hi." He smiles as he eyes me up and down. "You wore this on the date? Oh Ariana. You're so seductive." He snickers pulling me in for a hug and I giggle in his embrace.

He lets go and I fell for his raspy voice and messy hair; no shirt just some sweats. Woaaah. Talk about hottie alert.

"So Harry.. Why did you need me to come he--" I get cut off as he slams his lips into mine. I smile through the kiss.

He lets go and smiles. "Sorry.. I just wanted to check if you were okay. D-did he do anything bad to you? Or creep you out a bit." he asks worriedly, caressing my arms up and down.

"W-well no he didn't do anything bad but he was kind of creeping me out. He just started checking me out and was being a bit too touchy-"

"TOUCHY? What did he do??" i frown. " nothing really.. he just sorta put his hand on my thigh but I quickly moved away. I can protect myself Harry, don't worry." I smile hugging him. Honestly... No one has ever cared for me this much.

"Good."he runs his mesmerizing fingers through my hair, kissing my forehead while he's at it. "Look.. I don't want you to think that i'm too overprotective like other guys... I just really want you to watch out for him. Louis can be impatient at times..and sometimes when he doesn't get what he wants he freaks.." I let go of his embrace but i still hold his hands.

"Harry.. are you sure? Those may just be some rumors-" he cuts me off.

"They aren't princess. I've known that lad since. Let's just say we used to be best friends."

"Well, Harry. If you think he's a bit overwhelming and hectic why do you still allow me to hang out with him?" i curiously ask

He smiles, " Well, I didn't expect that question..but like I said. I don't want to seem too overprotective and not let you do what you want. I really don't want you to think that of me; think i don't trust you. Just be careful of what he offers or tells you, please. Besides, i'm not saying you should hang out with him, you don't have too."

"Thank you Harry. I really appreciate how your cautious..and just want to keep me safe. And.."

there was a long pause...

"And?..." he questions

"and..uh, is it okay if I stay here for the night? Not only is it getting late but i'm not feeling very well. Its like my heads about to explode."

"Of course princess. Sleep in my room, and no complaints this time!"

''You don't have to tell me twice." he snickers as I run upstairs to his bedroom, Harry is such a cutie.


"Here, where this.'' He throws a huge white T-shirt on top of my head making me get startled, and he chuckles as I fall of the bed with a scream. Okay look. That T-shirt was pretty big so it also pushed me down! I'm a small woman okay? Eheh.

I unzip my dress off and clip my bra off, letting it fall to the floor. I sigh in relief knowing my body can breath and refresh more better. I grab the big T-shirt that was seriously so big that when I tried it on it literally fell to my ankles. I grab my dress and bra and neatly folded them quickly on the table side.

*clears throat*

I turn around and my eyes widen.."Y-you were here the whole time? HARRY!" i slam the palm of my hand on my forehead and I groan. He walks towards me and places a kiss on my forehead. "You should show your body more butera." I laugh and push him playfully, "HARRY!" he snickers going on the bed.

"Harry..I thought i was sleeping on the bed? oh well actually ill just sleep on the couches downstai-" he cuts me off

"Nope your sleeping right next to me. I don't want to wake up hugging my pillows." I giggle, okay Styles. I see you.

I lay in bed next to him and snuggle into his chest. "Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight princess."



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