Chapter 8

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December 5, 1955 [ Friday ]
Chapter 8
Friday was not slow to come, and Harry and I haven't communicated since then. Might as well make a new friend while in the bar.

It was almost 7 so I decided to head out already. I was not far from the bar nor close, but it was not very long to get there.

I wore a long floral red and white dress [ outfit on side ] and some nude pumps to go with. And of course, I should never forget my journal.

I sigh as I look at my wrist, I have just lost my mothers bracelet and it's no where to be seen. I just need to keep looking for it and hopefully I will be able to find it.

I have finally arrived at the bar and once again smelled the sweet aroma of drugged beer and bitter smoke poisoning my nose, but what really hit me the most is seeing Harry has already finished his performance. Someone's early.. Or am I just late..?

I check the time and it was 7:15, ok maybe 15 minutes late but I'm a grown woman, or what Harry says, "child".

I watch as Harry sits at the same table he sat last time, which was next to mine. He was looking around as if he was looking for someone, then back at the table. I fix my posture and pat my dress as I was preparing myself of what's to come as I sassily walk past him. That's right, I got some diva in me too.

I sprayed a little perfume on me but spit as I felt some come inside my mouth, bigger mistake. Why? Well this caused Harry to look my way.
My performance has just finished but the whole time I wasn't concentrated on the song but concentrated on looking for the brunette beauty. I knew i stuttered a bit as I was singing but it was hard to hear by the amount of cheer I got.

I sat down on the same table I sat last time and looked for Ariana, she probably thinks I'm mad at her... I didn't meant to slam the door, I tripped on a bracelet and I held on to the door handle, slipping as I closed the door with my weight. I still have the bracelet in my pocket. It must be Ariana's.

I furrow my eyebrows and sit up as I hear that familiar clicking of heels, I look up remove my feet from the table and look at Ariana. There she was holding a perfume bottle smiling as she sprayed some on herself, but it caught in her mouth. I couldn't hold in my laughter as she starts screaming for water, spitting and choking at the same time.

"*spit* WATER *cough* *spit* WATER PLEASE!" I continue laughing as for everyone stared at the brunette laughing as well, but she trips over a workers foot who was about to hand her the water, but as she tripped the water splattered over the workers face and now everyone starts cracking up laughing as they hold their beer filled stomach.

I stop laughing and clean out my watery eyes as I see the beauty stand up and fix her posture, saying sorry to the worker. The crowd went silent as Ariana sadly walked towards the doors with her eyes were filled with tears and embarrassment.

I stood up from my spot and everybody's eyes darted towards me. I ran towards the door trying the find the brunette beauty, not caring what anyone else thinks. Ariana is my friend and I should be there for her. Woah did that just come out from me?..

I continue walking down the streets but stop as I finally find Ariana come out of a snack station with a water bottle in her hand, snacking on some Oreos and wiping her tears at the same time. Okay but that's just adorable when Ariana does that.

She sits on the bench near the entrance of the snack station and stares at the star filled sky.

I walk towards her but she hasn't noticed yet, so I sit beside her placing my hand on her shoulder gently.

"OH SHI--- Harry..?" I laugh as I startled her


She doesn't reply but puts her down in disappointment, furrowing her eyebrows as she munches on her Oreos.


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