Chapter 22

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Cuties ^

It was already 4 in the morning, raining. And I can't sleep at all, I just keep thinking about Ariana and Marianna. sure I love Mariana and would literally trade her for anyone else. Wow I sound like a douche.

But.. There's something about Ariana that just stands out more than Mariana. She's just so intriguing it's hard to let go of her.

Harry.. Your making yourself look bad. It's like your saying that you'd rather have Ariana cause you think she's better. UGH! I STILL SOUND LIKE A DOUCH RIGHT NOW. MARIANA IS GOOD TOO BUT.. I-I uGh WHAT.

I need some water

I walk downstairs to go and grab myself a glass of water. I almost trip as I hear a doorbell. What? It startled me. And why would someone be at my door at this time. Especially when it's raining

I look through the the peep hole and see Ariana. I didn't really have time to observe and so I immediately open the door.

"ARIANA I AM SO GLAD TO---Ariana? A-are you okay?" She had a towel around herself with no clothes on, her hair was damp and a huge mess and she was crying so hard her eyes are bloodshot.

She doesn't say a word, her eyes suddenly start dropping and she falls, but I was quick to catch her. I quickly bring her inside and turn on the fire place. I sit down on the floor near the fire place and put Ariana between my legs as I held her in my warmth of skin. She still had the damp towel on so I took it off. I don't care if she's naked, I just need to know she's okay. Me, I'm partly naked. I just have boxers on and nothing else. She.. She was fully naked. W-with hickies and bruises on her body. What the fuck happened.

I held her tight in my arms as there was a blanket over us. Her eyes fluttered open and she starts to scream and tries to remove my grip, but I held her tight.

"Love, Ariana! It's me Harry." She starts crying but stops getting out my grip and instead holds me tighter. "Ariana. What happened? Why were you just in a towel. A-and why are their bruises all over you???"

"M-Mariana.." What?

"I-I found her. No. She found me." She cries even more.

"Okay baby I need you to stop crying, please. Please tell me what happened." She stops but continues to sniffle here and there as I plant kisses on her neck to try and calm her down.

"M-Mariana a-and L-LOUIS." Why the hell?

"I woke up.. And saw a girl with black straight hair tying me up and bed, and for some reason I-i was naked. She smiled at me harshly grabbed my chin as I ask who she is. She told me her name was Mariana and threatened me if I ever kissed you again. T-then Louis came in a-a-and.." She starts to cry again.

"Ariana. What the fuck did Louis do to you? TELL ME." I was angry. Fucking angry.

"H-he raped me. No Harry this is not a fucking dream it's real!" She starts crying more. Now I'm fucking raging. I calm myself down and take deep breaths. Mariana has been alive this whole time, threatened Ariana, and made Louis rape her? Shit.

"Ariana.. Did he use protection? Please tell me he used protection." She nods. "Thankfully he did... H-he touched me everywhere." She turns her body to me and wraps her legs around my waist, hugging me as we sit near the fire place.

"It's okay, I'm here now. There's nothing to be afraid of. They are nothing to us now, okay?" That's when I remember the song Ariana sung to me as she helped me fall asleep.

I slowly run my fingers down her hair while my other hand was sliding through her back up and down as I sung to her, she stops crying and snuggles her face into my neck.

"I give you all I have, and nothing less I promise. Love me and don't look back; I want you with me on this road to the sky, We'll be shining every night I promise you. Just me and you. Oh I promise you..."

She giggles and smiles looking at me. "Thanks Harry." Her smile was always my favorite look of hers. I gently place my lips on hers and we kiss; most likely it being into a make up session now.

I continue to kiss her as I carry her upstairs with her legs wrapped around my waist.

I'm not doing the same as Louis. I'd never rape Ariana. This love we're doing right now is real. I love you Ariana grande.
Poor Ari :(



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OR.... Have this:

Idk I think I shouldKeep the first one

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Idk I think I should
Keep the first one.

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