Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
I was shocked by her sudden movements. No girl has ever walked up to me, in that case.. She's a brave one. I always have to walk to the girl. No surprise I was going to walk up to her the second she was about to. Well.. After I was done with my cigar, but I have to admit, I was very indulged in the conversation. She's a curious girl, I can tell with every answer I reply back, I know she has the need to ask why and how.

"So what are your hobbies?" She looks at my evergreen eyes, and her brown auburn ones shining through the dim light.

"I obviously like to sing, read in my spare time, make songs, cook, and walking around London. I'm guessing it's your hobby too, I see you walk around London all the time taking pictures with your Polaroid." Stupid! She probably thinks your a creep now Harry. 

"Yes, it is one of my hobbies.. Every morning I walk around London to start of the day. I do sometimes bring my camera but not much, it gets me distracted at times." I smile remembering how the other week she was sitting on a bench looking through the photos shes taken. Hey don't call me a stalker... Walking around London is my hobby too. I just unexpectedly see her..

"What other hobbies do you do?"

"Well, there's a lot but I'll just tell you a few that I usually do. Which is Sing, write, sew, draw, walk around London, and of course, read."

An Idea pops up into my head as she continues to talk about her favorite book. I continue to listen, waiting for my turn to talk. She can't seem to stop talking can she?

" should read it sometime!" She finally stops and it was my turn to speak. Finally..

" you wanna walk together in the morning tomorrow? It'd be nice to have a friend be my side as we walk." I smile nervously hoping I don't get rejected, but to my surprise her smile widened. Showing her teeth, and her little dimples of hers. "Of course!" I laugh at her sudden reaction.


She checks the time on her watch and she frowns. " Sorry Harry, but I have to go. My Nona is probably waiting for me and I also have to get 2 cans of spaghetti sauce and a loaf of bread." She stands up flattening her skirt and putting her journal inside her purse, hanging over her shoulder.

I stare as I admire her beauty, I never had a conversation with a girl who wanted to know about me. It's mice to know someone actually knows your there and wants to get to know you once in a while. All girls ever wanted was to have a sexual relationship with me, but I refuse to. I prefer true love. Call me cliché but love is more than cuddling and going to a Drive in. Love is having trust with one another, having a feeling that's so pure you can't even explain the way you feel, but you do know that you never want that feeling inside to end.

"Harry?" I blink out of my thoughts and see her giggling.

"Sorry, what?" I ask, she continues to smile but stops the laughter, " you spaced out."

"My bad, anyways... Be safe, okay? See you tomorrow princess." She blushes at my nickname, causing a smirk to form on my face.

"Yes my knight and shining a armor." Her exaggeration made me chuckle, I like how she called me that.

I watch as she walks to the exit, I bite my lip knowing that I've finally got the chance, to talk to her.

She intrigued me.

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