Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Harry ran after her, when I was supposed to. It was my chance to get her, my chance to finally be friends with her, maybe even more. but that Harry guy ran up to her first.

I, Louis Tomlinson. Will not give up.

"Ariana." Her head lifted up and she looked at me with concern all over her face.

"What." She tries to calmly say, but fails.

"Are you okay?"

"Kind of, I got a bruise on my elbow but it's no biggy." She lifts her arm up to touch the Bruise she got during the fall.

"I've got to admit that was pretty funny.. But you still have beauty, now don't you." I smile cheekily lifting up her chin and tapping her nose as her cheeks turned Crimson.

"I thought you were mad at me?.." Knew it.

"I knew you'd think that I was mad at you once I slammed that door, I mean considering I have a natural resting bitch face I guess you'd still think that.. But no I was not. I was going to come and walk with you but then.." I took out the bracelet from my pocket and her eyes widened. " I slipped on this beautiful bracelet and my weight slammed the door closed as I leaned on the door handle for support." I put the bracelet on to her wrist and she smiled. "I'm guessing this is yours."

"Thank you so much Harry! I've been looking everywhere for this! It was my moms bracelet passed on from my grandmother to my great grandmother to my..." Oh dear..

"To my great great great great grandmother, to my--" I cut her off by shushing her as I slam my finger against her lip.

"Can we please just have silence." She rolls her eye moving my finger away from her really soft pink lips. I can just imagine what it'd be like with my lips against hers.

"But Harry, I don't want an awkward silence."

"Then we can make it a comfortable silence."

She sighs letting out a huff of her breath. Staring at the stars as she chews loudly at her Oreos.

*chomp chomp chomp* ugh

*chomp chomp chomp*

*chomp chomp swallow*

"Ar..." *chomp*

"ia" *chomp"

"Na" *chomp*

*chomp chomp swallow*

"ARIANA!" She gasps at my sudden voice and she giggles.

"Do you really need to chomp your Oreos that loud?"

"To clear out the awkward silence, yes."

"Oh my butera." I roll my eyes as she continues laughing, but i smile as I hear that adorable giggle once again.

"Let's head home shall we?.."

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