Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Ariana was currently making a pot of clam chowder in my kitchen, I insisted that I should cook but she insisted that she should. So, I let her.

I sit on the couch wondering whether what we should do next, letting the sound of Frank Sinatra's voice fill the Sound of the room, helped me think.

"It's ready.." She comes up to me with 2 bowls of soup, she looks cute today.

"Here, careful. It's hot." She lightly blows on the soup and scoops the spoon in her mouth.

I laugh at how she squirmed at how hot it was. Silly girl.
Ariana sighs, as she looks out the window, staring at the 2 rain drops as they race down making your curiosity wonder which rain drop will end up winning.

"Harry..." She looks at me noticing I've been staring, I continue to stare at her as a smile was spreading on her face.

"I know what we can do..."


"How about we play in the rain! Come on it'll be fun! I would always do this when I was little! Please!" She walks up from the couch going towards me as she plays with her thumbs. Oh hell no

"Your going to get sick!"

"Sick brick whatever! I'm going out." I grab her wrists as she walks towards the door, yanking her back here.

"No. I'm not letting you."

"And why?"

I had no response to why she can't.. I mean I just don't want her to get sick.

"That's what's I thought." She smiles and let's go of my wrist walking towards the door, I follow her.


"Harry come on!" She grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me into the outside world.

"Ariana what the hell!" I wipe my wet hair out of my face and look at Ariana as she stands afar from me, looking towards the cement floor with her hair all wet.

"Ariana? What are you doing?"

"Oh.. Sorry. I just saw a bunch of worms..heh." She walks towards me and I roll my eyes in annoyance. I look back at her as she starts giggling, showing her cute dimples of hers and I just can't help but smile as well.

"That's enough for the day, let's head back inside okay?" She nods as I run my fingers through her wet hair and bring her back inside the house.

I hand her a clean and old sweater and a clean knee high socks my sister left when she had to stay here for a day.

"Oh Harry please, you don't have too."

"You talk to much, just do it."
She comes back with her hair all dried up and in a pony-tail. She got her glasses out of her purse and she blinks for a second then sighs. "There ya go." She walks towards me as I admire how good she looked in a lazy outfit.

"You wear glasses too?" I snap out of it and realize I was wearing my glasses as well.

"Yah.." I nod smiling.. "Hold on Ariana, stay right there."


I grab my Polaroid that was next to my record player and took a quick picture of her, getting a good shot as she fixes her ponytail.

I grab my Polaroid that was next to my record player and took a quick picture of her, getting a good shot as she fixes her ponytail

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(Lol ignore Liz in the background)

She laughs as I hand her the picture, but hands it back to me. "Keep it. To remember this day."

I chuckle and place it on the small desk next to me.

"What time is it?" She yawns

"Oh.. Wow. It's 8 already." Woah she's been here that long? Time goes by real fast.

"Guess I should be heading home.. You got an umbrella I can use? I promise I'll bring it back on Friday."

"Who says I'm letting you walk in the rain all by yourself in the middle of the night! Your staying here, you can go home tomorrow. " she sneezes and I know she's sick

She sneezes again and I come closer to her, "you okay?" I feel her for head and she was warm.. Very warm.

"Thank you Harry, but it's very rude of--"

"It's not rude. It'd be rude if you decline my offer. Just stay.. Your sick." I hand her a glass of warm water

She gulps it down and smiles at me as I help her stand up from the couch. "Sleep in my room tonight.. I can sleep on the couch."

"'No, please just sleep in your bed, I'll be okay on the couches."

"My house my rules. Sorry but your sleeping in my room. "


"No buts."


"Ariana." I say sternly. I intertwine my hand with hers and bring her to my room.

"Get on the bed." She crossed her arms and looks away. "No."

"Get. On. The bed." I say once again


I swear. Can she just listen? I carry her bridal style bringing her on the bed but she tries to escape.

"Harry stop!"

She hovers over me as she sits on top of me, holding my hands down. I bite my lip..

"Harry your sleeping here tonight. I feel mean."

"Ariana let go." I try to get off her grip and I eventually did, I turn the both of us around making me hover over her body. She gasps at the sudden movement

"Your sleeping here and that's final."

I stare as she was about to say something, she opens her mouth slightly and squints her eyes. What is she doing..?

And right before i knew it she sneezed on me.

"oh my gosh.. I am so sorry." I stay still as I continue to hover over here with my eyes closed. At least there's no snot.

"Whatever.. Just sleep here. I'll be on the floor."

"I thought you were going to sleep on the couches?"

"I'll sleep here on the floor instead, so if you need something just ask me." I take off my shirt and throw it in my cleaned out laundry bag. I put a blanket on the floor, a pillow, and another blanket. I look back at Ariana as she stares at me biting her lip. I smirk flexing a bit, "like what you see?"

She blinks out of her thoughts and shakes her head.. "Sorry..goodnight." She hovers the blankets over her head and turns the other away, I chuckle at her movements.


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