Chapter 19

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I can't believe it. I just had sex with Ariana.. Does she remember anything? She was drunk. It's only been 7 months since I've know her!


"Y-yes?" I stutter as she looks around.

"Why am I naked?" She looks at me noticing I'm also naked. "Y-you used protection..right?"

"To be honest, yes." Okay maybe before the date I did expect something to happen so I brought protection.. Incase. Don't judge.

"T-that was my first time." She laughs a little but I couldn't tell if she was faking it. "I actually remember some parts." She smiles coming closer to me with the blanket covering her pure soft and clean skin.

I smirk. "Oh really like what?" I put my arms around her and slowly go down her thigh.

"Well, I do remember how big you are, not to mention the orgasm I had." She jumps a little as my hand was close to where I know she really wants it. Ha, joke joke.

"Well I do remember how tight you are, not to mention the orgasm I had." She playfully rolls her eyes. "You're such a dirty minded guy."

"Says the one who said I was big." She giggles. Music to my ears honestly..

"You aren't mad?" I smile

"I feel awesome." She smiles kissing my Cheek. Fûck that turns me on.

I kiss her neck and she giggles even more; my hand slowly touches her part and she jolts back a little. Damn she's still so wet. Shit.

"HARRY!" She playfully pushes me off her and I laugh at how sensitive she is.

"You look so cute with messy hair." I fluff it around.

"You look hooott with messy hair." I look at her weirdly. "Honestly your hair is just so... Wow." I chuckle at her comments and she laughs.

"Well.. I'm going to shower. She stands up with a the blanket around her; forgetting that we were using the same blanket. I chuckle as she sees me naked. "OH MY GOSH IM SO SORRY." She gives me back the blanket then my eyes widen, now she.. Was naked.

"You're so beautiful Ariana." Ariana panics. "STOP LOOKING." She runs to the bathroom and sticks her head out of the bathroom wall, looking at me. "Sorry." She pouts

"Oh no thank you." She rolls her eyes. "ARIANA WAIT!"

"Yes?" Her voice echo's through the bathroom.

"CAN I JOIN WITH YOU!" Please say yes please say yes.

"PERVE! NO." She giggles. Too bad ari. I'm joining in.


"NO." She screams through the water.

I open the curtain and see the fluffy shampoo all over her hair. She nervously laughs and covers her body with her hands and arms. "HARRY CLOSE THIS CURTAIN RIGHT NOW."

"If you insist." I join in the shower and close the curtains.


"You told me to close it so I did." She groans and rolls her eyes. "Whatever. I'll try to get used to you seeing me naked."

I watch as she lets the water flow down the shampoo in her hair; letting it all out but keeping the fragrance. Her bare body in front of me is VERY appealing to see. I had to smirk.

She notices me staring. "Harry."


"Are you going to shower or what? I didn't let you inside here for a free porno." I laugh at her comment, harder than usual.

"Okay your turn to put shampoo, I'll put conditioner while you're at it." I smile. "Whatever you say." She goes to the back where the water can't hit her and I watch as she stares at me while caressing conditioner all over her hair.

"Hey, I'm not here for you to watch a porno Ari."

"Sorry, your just too hot with water in your hair." I'm surprised she didn't stop looking.

"You're so cute."
Cute chapter! :))


Harry Omg

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