Chapter 30

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I place the things back in the box and push it back under my bed.

I felt Harrys hand on my shoulder. "Baby please tell me you're okay."

"Then I'd be telling a lie, just like everything else that's going on." I remove his hand off of me and I stand up going inside the bathroom.

"Love what are you doing?"

"I need to pee." He chuckles as I flush the toilet and washing my hands with my scented vanilla soap.

"I'm going to go walk around London. Haven't done it in a while." I say while grabbing some clothes.

I let my hair cascade into its brown waves, and wore a blue floral Peter Pan dress. I laced in my white sneakers and grabbed my purse.

"Can I come with you Ariana?" He asks. "But I thought you have to watch Mariana?"

"She's asleep. Just please, can I spend time with you?" I really want to be alone right now.

"Sure." Idiot.

• • •
"Ariana.." Harry clears out the silent.


"You know I really really really love you." He grabs my hand.

"Loves a strong word. Don't just thrash it around. Especially when you use the word 'really'. Makes it stronger than it already is."

" think I don't love you?"

"No I know you love me. I just think you shouldn't just thrash it around to someone who isn't worth your love."


"I'm useless Harry."

"Ariana if you're going to act like this I'm just gonna leave right now."

"Go ahead. I would've too if I were you." I walk faster knowing he has already stopped walking but staring at me.

"Ariana." He turns me around harshly.
"Ouch! Harry that hurt!"

"No Ariana this hurts!" He points to his heart. "This hurts so fucking much." Tears were welling in his eyes.

He stares into my eyes, looking to see if there was any hope left. "Where's Ariana?" He asks me coming closer. "Harry what do you mean? I'm right here."

"Are you sure about that? I can't see it. I don't see the Ariana that was filled with hope, courage, and happiness. I don't see Ariana. I don't see her anymore. Why can't I see her anymore---" I cut him off.

"That's cause she's lost Harry. She's lost." More tears fall down to his eyes.

I turn around and continue to walk down the sidewalk. I turn back to Harry and see him walking away from me.

"I guess he doesn't want to find me."

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