Chapter 24

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"Ari?" Rowan asks as she sits down in bed next to me.

"Yes dear?"

"I-I have something to tell you." Her voice was shaky.

"Anything." I smile looking at her as we both brush our hairs sitting up in our pajamas.

"It's about Harry, and mom." What about them?

I nod so she continues

"M-mom was best friends with Harrys dad. We have some connection with the styles but it's no blood related, that'd be awkward between you and Harry if it was." We both cringe at the thought.

"Wow.. What else?" I ask

"So.. They were best friends and Harrys dad loved mom so much.. But mom loved Marianas dad so it was, complicated. Especially for Harry. Harrys dads name is Edward, Marianas dads name is Luke."

"Shit! We have a connection with Mariana too?" I ask.

"Watch your profanity missy." I roll my eyes. "Go on."

"Luke liked moms sister... Aunt Josephine. They got married and so mom married John our dad instead.. Who's now in jail. Harrys dad is.. H-his dad is also dead. He committed suicide when Harry was only 8."

"Wait so your saying Mariana is our cousin?? Aunt Josephine told us she doesn't have kids and is afraid to have some!"

"She lied.. And she died the day before mom did..Cause of Mariana. She killed her own mother, our aunt." By now no tears fall from our eyes. It's like our sadness sucked us all in were to cold to even cry.

"Rowan. Mariana is out to get us."

"I know... I got a text message. Here, look."


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"That's good

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"That's good... You stood up for yourself row. You're stronger than you were in middle school."

"Thanks to you." I smile putting my arm around her and kiss her cheek.

"I'll always be here for you Row, and so is Harry. I love you and I'm sure he does too. You guys will bond well." She kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight Ariana."

"Goodnight dear." We turn of our lamps drift off to sleep, trying to forget reality.

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