Chapter 39

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"Harry..Harry I can't." I let go of his grip. My mind races through memories I've had without Harry, I was happy, but.. Will he make me happier if he were still in my life?

"Why? Ariana.." He grabs my wrists bring me closer to him. His grip was hard, he still wants me. "Why??"

"Harry I don't know. Ever since you left my life has improved! I was happy and, and.. I was so happy I actually forgot about you. Now that I saw you, you're back in my life. And I'm afraid! What if it turns out horrible again Harry I can't take the ris--"

"ARIANA!" He was screaming at me, his grip tighter.

"Harry I'm weak!" I fall to the floor as he falls with me too. He cups my face and wipes the tears that have spilled.

"Ariana you can't always expect yourself to have such a happy life. You know there's always trouble and chaos that'll come with. Especially when it comes to relationships, love, us." My sobs have quieted but I still whimper.

"But you know what? We'll make it together. We'll do whatever to keep us together, happy. Destined or not. I love you so much Ariana." He slams his lips on to mine. I was quick to react and so I kiss him back hungrily. He picks me up with my legs wrapped around his waist as he holds me tightly, my back pressed against the wall.

Love was all that surrounded us, he was the only thing that has been on mind, ever since I forgot about him he's still been there, lingering with hope but yet I pushed it off and thought about myself instead. Cause I knew once I thought about him again, all those memories will come racing in and I'll be sad, but what about him? Didn't you think he was sad too? Well maybe he was. He loves you so much Ari. Hopefully.

My hands were tangled through his hair as he gives me the most loving kisses, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I moan at the thought.

"I need you so much." I smile at his words.

"Wait. Wait. Ariana this isn't right." He puts me down but was still holding me. My smile faded and I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I have a girlfriend."

"Oh. Yah uhm this is wrong." I push him off.


"You know what Harry, I have an idea. I don't want anything wrong to come
Between us, don't you agree?" I ask him.

"A hundred percent yes, bu--" I cuff him off again.

"I think we're better off as friends." I smile at him, though he knew it was fake.

"Ariana let me explain, please?" He grabs on to my arms.

"I'm waiting." I continue to smile.

"Her names Selena, I met her the day after I left you. I like her..but I love you. I started dating her last September, and I think I actually do Love her.. But Ariana, I--"

"Friends it is?" I take a sharp breath in and exhale, he could see the watery substance in my eyes.

"Ariana blink." He tells me. If I blinked, he knew a tear would come out.

I do what he says. I blink, only one tear came out, but more and more were coming. "So.." I wipe the tears. "Friends?" 

"Ariana you're broken, again." He states. I laugh, "I wonder why." I reply back to him, looking through his evergreen eyes.

"Ariana I want Selena." More tears were springing out. But I still kept a smile on my face.

"Ariana friends don't have sex." I chuckle at his statement. "And boyfriends and girlfriends do. I'm happy for you Harry." It's so hard to keep a straight face.

"Ariana I want Selena." He reminds me again.

That's when my anger burst out. You could tell, I was jealous.

"Okay! Okay I get it! You want her; you love her. I wish I had someone like that in my life. Yet I don't, cause I'm always treated like someone who's nothing to this world; but doesn't give up no matter how much it hurts. Well guess what Harry!? I give up. I fucking give up. What's the point anyways? No one stayed for me, they left. I'm always alone and I'm just going to have to accept it. Every night, I wish someone would stay with me, wide awake hoping that I'm okay. But oh no that's never going to happen. Nothing ever good happens to me anyways. I'm happy for you Harry, I'm so fucking happy. Don't break her Harry, don't leave her. Like you did to me." He stares at me blankly. "Well are you happy? Happy that all my fucking hope is gone? Well I hope so."

I walk always with 2 waterfalls on my face, but I felt Harry grip his hand tighter than usual on my wrist.

"ARIANA DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN." His eyes were filled with anger. I was scared. "Harry you're hurting me.." I try to let go but his grip was tight, it loosened a bit once I said that but he was still too strong.

"Ariana I want Selena and I love Selena."


"Ariana I need you and I will sacrifice anything for you; because I love you."

I was quiet. I was looking down at my shoes until his finger lifts my chin up. Our faces weren't that far apart, so there was only one option we could do. We kissed. It was slow, but it was filled with love, lust, and hope.

The night ended with Harry and I at his house. Continuing the love that was started. We were in bed, cuddling close to each other.

"I love you." I mumble into his chest.

"I love you too."

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