Chapter 25

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Hi guys, I love you

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Hi guys, I love you. Ok ttyl.
I have already dropped Rowan at Nona's house. I immediately biked to my moms house with tears flowing down my cheeks.

The door was opened and I'm guessing my moms corpse hasn't been discovered from the horrible stench that can be smelt from downstairs.

I quickly run upstairs and open the door to fine my moms eyes closed in bloody sheets that's been hovered over her body, her head sticked out with a knife stabbed on her forehead.

Tears flow even more as I felt a hand cover my mouth. "Hello Ariana." Louis.

"LOUIS GET OFF OF ME! PLEASE!" I pushed him off and saw he has brought a knife with him. "Darling, come closer to daddy." He smirks coming closer.

"Why are you coming closer when you told me to come closer? 'Daddy.' " I decided to stall him as I take tiny steps to the door.

"What do you mean?" He questions me putting the knife back in his bag.

"You told me, to come closer but you were coming closer instead.." I was finally near the door.

"Oh.. Well I wouldn't be close to the door if i were you." That's when it hit me. I felt a hand pull my hair down tot be floor and I see a girl, that must be Mariana. Shit.

"Please leave me alone! What do you want from me." I stood up with no answer.

Silence filled the air.

That's when I ran. I ran downstairs with them chasing from being, knives in their hands.

I open the door and run outside, running to Harrys house even though I've lost them already. The last thing I heard was "you'll never get away with this." And an evil laugh.

"HARRY OPEN UP PLEASE!" Tears were continuing to flow down my cheeks as I slam on the door. I look behind me and I see Louis, although I can't tell if I'm hallucinating.

"HARRY!" He opened the door and I pushed him down and quickly closed the door locking it.

"HARRY." I lean against the door and he stands up looking at me with concern. I was catching my breath as I still have the memory of my mom stuck in my mind. I slide down the door and fall to the ground as I cry with my hands covering my face.

He kneels down and kisses my forehead. "Baby tells me what's wrong."

"No." I say removing his hand away from me. "" I stand up and so does Harry. "I'm not going to cry for this, nothing will happen if all I do is cry. Ugh I'm such a dramatic shithead! I need to do something about this Harry. I was just chased by Louis and Mariana with a knife and I'm not going to end up with a knife stuck in my forehead like..l-like my mom. Harry I just saw her body today all bloodied up I can't do this anymore." Harry had a smirk plastered on his face. Why?

"Ariana... I need to tell you something."

"What?" He sounds serious, but chuckled.

"I-I like someone else."

"Harry.. What do you mean?"

"Ariana I'm still in love with Mariana and I honestly don't give any shits if she tries to kill you." He takes a knife out of his pocket. "I'll try to help her out." He smiles

I slap him across the cheek. "I fucking hate you Harry." What hurts more is.. This isn't a dream.

"Actually, you know what kill me! JUST KILL ME ALREADY! PLEASE." His face softens.

"Ariana I was ju-" more tears fall

"I was just kidding."

There was silence.

"Sike." He gets the knife back and I knew my life was over.

Oh shiiiiiizzz.

Watch what happens next my fellow loves. Ariana will be no innocent little doll anymore. 😉 confident Ariana is coming. Be ready to be surprised shitless.

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