Chapter 16

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Friday was short to come and I totally forgot Saturday is my birthday. Also known as.. Hm... I don't know, TOMORROW.

July 26 is my birthday and I'm currently turning 23 tomorrow, Harry is 1 year older than me and his birthday has passed already. I met him after his birthday so I am so ready to throw a party for him next year. Even though I'm no party person at all; Maybe it can just be the 2 of us, who knows.

I enter the doorways of the bar and see Harry smiling at me as he sat down on the table we first met at.

I walk up to him and sit down, flattening my skirt. "Hi Harry." I smile folding my hands on the tables.

"Hello love. How are you?" He asks

"I'm fine.. But I have to be honest with you. You've.. Been on my mind too much I totally forgot tomorrow was my birthday." I chuckle at the thought

I looked at him and his smile was wider than Mount Everest. "Thanks." He chuckles grabbing my hands; staring at the women like shape, and how small they are compared to his. "I'll be there tomorrow.. Okay?"

"Promise?" I stick my pinky out

"Promise." Connecting his pinky with his, we let out a laugh and watch the performers sing a song. Harry took way too many shots that he oughta.

"WOOOO!!!! GO MAARIIAAANNA!!!" Drunk Harry screams at the performer.

Mariana? That's Rebecca. I know everyone here and there are 2 Rebecca's here. One with no teeth which is 103 years old, and Rebecca. 25 with a gap in her two front teeth.

I ignore the thought and furrow my eyebrows as Harry continues to drink more shots of beer. "MORE!!!" He giggles slouching in his chair.

I laugh a little at how he's acting, "Harry that's your last one."

He scoots his chair more next to me and smiles. "You are so beautiful." Great. Now I'm Crimson again.

"Thank you Harry." He smashed his beer tasted lips onto mines and I immediately kissed back. He lets go and starts to kiss my neck; which let out a small moan.

He lets go once a shot arrived at the table. He drank the shot quickly and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me and see.. Oh, Louis.

"Hey Louis!" I smile

"Hey Ariana... I see he has took too many shots." I chuckle. "Yah."

Louis and I watch as Harry stands up and tumbles a bit, "I-I needa.." He then pukes all over me and I gasp.

"L-louis..." My shaky voice calls.

"Yes dear? A-are you alright?.. Here let me grab you some towels."

"NO! N-no it's fine, actually yah please." He hands me a fresh towel and I rub all of the liquidly substance off my dress.

"Louis, can you please drop me off of my house? It's okay if you can't I can just walk with Harry ho-" he cuts me off

"No. Of course I will. You will need it."

"Thank you so much Louis." I grab Harrys arm and slouch it around my shoulder as he tries to stand properly.

"Wait.. So he's staying at your place for a while?" Louis raises an eyebrow.

"Y-yes. Don't worry nothing will happen. He'll sleep in the couches."


Louis frowns and I let out a nervous laugh. "Drunk people am I right? Hehe.."

"I trust you Ariana. Okay.. I'll drive you."

We have arrived home and I set Harry down on my bed. He has already fallen asleep so I took of his shoes, his coat, and sadly, I had to take his jeans off cause of all the puke and beer that was splattered all over it. Good thing he had boxers on.

I set his shoes on the side ankles of the bed and threw his clothes in the laundry. I checked his forehead; knowing he probably has a massive headache.

"A-Ariana. Darling.." He groans

"Harry.. Stay there." He nods and lays back down staring at my actions.



"Sorry I puked on your dress."

"It's fine, just get some rest okay?"

I wet a towel and squeezed all the excess water off, I wipe the water all over his body, his arms, and his face. I dried him off and tucked him under the blankets.

"Thank you love." He says as he switches to a comfortable position.

"Anytime Harry." I smile back at him.

I change into a big shirt and shorts and walked inside the bedroom; taking my tight bun off my head at the same time and Letting my hair cascade into waves.

I look at Harry as he watches me and smiles. "Come here Ariana."

I walk over to him in bed and he runs his fingers down my soft hair, "You're so beautiful." He kisses my forehead.

I blush at his comment and he snickers, cradling me into his arms and slowly falling asleep for the celebration that awaits.

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