Chapter 32

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"Love." Harry holds me tight as we have just released. He cuddles me into his warm strong arms and kisses my forehead. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too." I reply back kissing his collarbone.

Our heartbeats were clear to our ears as the pumped fast. We just finished making love.

"Go to sleep love, long day awaiting us tomorrow."

"Goodnight Harry." I yawn cradling to him close. "Goodnight baby."

• •

"You'll never get away with this. I will ruin her if you don't stay with me. Stay with me Harry and together we will be forever and infinite; happiness and sensual lust and pleasuring favors. Deny me once, Ariana's ruined. Deny me twice, Ariana's dead."

"Mariana. Let me go!"

"I love you Harry. Dump that grande chick already and you can have all of this" Mariana trips all of her clothes off.

"NO!" I scream

I look to my right and see Ariana tied up and screaming my name in fear. "HARRY!" She screams.

"SHUT UP!" Marianna walks towards her with a knife stabbing her on the chest. "ARIANA!" My anger built up and I was able to rip the rope off.

I felt the dark room shaking until I start blinking my eyes.


I woke up. Sweating, panting and being snuggled by Ariana who was slowly breathing and sleeping into my arms.

I sigh with tears flowing down my flushed nervous cheeks.

"Harry?" She flutters her eyes open and sits up, yawning. "What time is it?...Harry?" She looks at my sad eyes her face softens. She crawls laying her body on top of mine cuddling in my arms and kissing my collar bone. "I love you Harry." She knew I had a nightmare, I can tell.

"Wanna stay up instead? Just talk. I can't sleep anymore anyways." She snuggles into my neck as I continuously kiss her face. Giggling in my warmth.

"Yes please." I reply

The whole night Harry and I talk and end up falling asleep.

• •
Woah yah this is short

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