Chapter 40

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Harry and I lay in bed huddling with each other as the rays of light shine through the window blinds.

"Ariana.." He says playing with my hair.


"I'm sorry."

"Harry it's okay. You proved to me that you love me an--" he cuts me off

"No--not that.. It's just that, ever since you left I..I started smoking again." He pecks my forehead and I sigh. "I know I promised.. But I just felt so--"

"Lost?" I chuckle continuing his sentence.

"Yah. I'll stop again I promise." He holds me closer.

"Thanks for telling me this and being honest, and you better promise." I chuckle wrapping my leg around his legs as I cuddle him in comfort. "You smell good."

"You always smell good grande." He replies whilst sniffing my hair. "Mmm.. Pantene." I laugh at his comment. "You smell like flowers, lavender, vanilla, strawberry, and like a tint of sweet mint."

"Nice to know you observe a lot." I snicker. "You. You smell like lavender, laundry, vanilla, and most of" His eyes dart towards mine and he laughs at my weird..awkward comment. "Man?" He rolls his eyes playfully and I slightly laugh into his manly chest. Pfft..manly.

"Harry.. What are you going to do with Selena?" His eyes widen. "Shit."

"Oh styles." I push him off me playfully and move my body to the other side giggling. "Oh grande mm.." He seductively says wrapping his arms around my small body.

"I love cuddling with you." He mumbles into my ear. "Your skin is so soft and smooth, plus you smell so good. "

"Right back at you styles. I especially love tracing your little tattoos of yours, mostly the heart." He chuckles as his hands roam around my body. "Gosh I missed you so damn much." He kisses my soft lips as I hold on to him.

"I missed you more."

I was home alone in Harrys flat while Harry was talking with Selena at a cafe, he was going to tell him his feelings.

I was on the couch watching tv, scrolling through channels as I was burritoed up in a blanket. I was snacking on a bag of chips watching some yellow sponge and a pink starfish with a green squid and a desperate crab. Man I love this show.

"C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G SONG!" I sing along and clap my hands as I have so much fun for some no fucking reason. I love freaking spongebob, he's the only thing that actually keeps a smile on my face. Though my face looks dull right now, inside I'm a colorful bubble.

I sigh wishing my life was as positive as his, I shrug and comfort myself in the warmth of the blanket as my eyes were glued to the television, my eyes suddenly droop down and I landed in my land of dreams.

"I love her Selena, I thought you understood.."

"I do..its just, I-I'll miss you." She brings me into a hug and I hug her back for comfort.

"Okay, okay. It's fine. Can we at least be friends? Please? Best friends?" She smiles happily and I laugh, "obviously." I grab her hands and she smiles. "Just one lass kiss?" She asks with frown.

"Cheek." I say sternly, and she does it anyways. I snicker, "I'll see you around okay?"

"SELENA!" The barista calls her name

"Yah, well thanks for telling me this. I'll see you around too. Bye Harry." She smiles, and walks to the barista to grab her drink. I sigh walking out the cafe and felt the cold wind brush against my face. That was easy.

I head home and unlock the door, the tv was on and it had spongebob, I laugh at Ariana's choice of show, she's so cute.

I walk over to the couch and saw that she has fallen asleep peacefully. The remote was on the table and so were a bag of kettle chips, her small frame was wrapped around a grey blanket as she breathes. I grab the remote and turn the tv off, I look back at Ariana since I hear something come from her mouth.

"C--A---m--P--Fr-I-r-E song!" I snort at her words. What the hell? I sit next to her legs and carefully lay my body on top of her, careful not to put all my weight on her precious small frame. I peck the corner of her lips and she flutters her eyes open. "HARRY!" She happily smiles and I almost fall as she wraps her arms around me. "You're so fucking cute Ariana." I chuckle as she was on my lap with her body facing me.

"I don't know I just love you too much." She shrugs. "I love you too baby." I kiss her temple as she snuggles her head in the crook of my warm neck.

"What happens now Harry?" She mumbles.

"I don't know."

Ariana and I talked to whole day about weird things that have been going on before meeting each other again, apparently Rowan and Sabby are in college now, and Mariana was her bestie. Ariana is definitely one intriguing lady.

I love her so much. Such a strong, curious, dangerous, woman.

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