Chapter 17

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this is Ariana's view outside her room :

----HarryI watch as she cradled into my bare chest, slowly breathing while I run my fingers down her soft wavy hair

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I watch as she cradled into my bare chest, slowly breathing while I run my fingers down her soft wavy hair. Dammit...

I slowly get out of bed and walk around her room. Her room is so beautiful, especially her view. I watch as the people outside their windows start opening their curtains and walking to the terrace; getting a good breeze of the morning air.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I see that Ariana has woken up. "Morning Harry" she kisses my cheek.

"Happy birthday love." I kiss hers.

She smiles as she watches me stare at the old lady hanging her clothes out the terrace with a clothes pin, "That's Mrs.Gardner, every morning she either clips on new clothes to dry or unclip the clothes that are fully dry. She's a wonderful lady. Nearly in her 80's but still living strong. I take care of her pet cat every Sunday's and honestly , she's the most experienced lady I've known."

"Experienced you say? How so?" I ask; watching as Ariana stares at the view of the building while wind blew through her hair.

"She's.. She's been through the holocaust and it's hard for her to talk about, not to mention her father and husband.. Died. Luckily she's one of some who were able to escape. I'm so grateful she's still here, she's the only one who'd listen to my problems if anything is going on. She's like my second mother. I wouldn't know what to do without her actually..." Ariana smiles to the ground and let's out a big sigh..

Wow. The holocaust? That's so.. Hectic and.. Most terrible. I certainly do agree she has gone through a lot. What a wonderful lady she is. My heart was tearing for this lady, the holocaust was not so long ago. It barely ended in 1945.

I didn't want to ask any furthermore questions about the holocaust and her experience cause I knew this lady was important to Ariana.

"She sounds lovely Ariana."

"That's cause she is..." I still continue to look at her.



"You do know you're still in your undergarments?" My eyes widen and she chuckles, "it's in the dryer." I smile walking back inside and going to the dryer, grabbing my clothes and putting them back on, and of course my shoes where I spotted on the side ankle of the bed.

I walk back to Ariana who was still staring out the window. "Hi Mrs. Gardner!!" She screams out the terrace, I laugh putting my arm around her.

"Oh well hello dear! Happy Birthday!" She screams smiling while holding her cat. How adorable.

"Thank you!" Ariana screams back. Mrs. Gardner smiles and walks back inside her room; closing the doors of her terrace.

Ariana and I do the same. She sighs falling front faced in bed. "It's my birthday Harry."

"Yes it is love."

"It's my birthday."

"I agree."

"I'm 23."

"I'm 25." I snicker.

She stands back up and walks over to me. She lifts her head up to look at my face cause of how small she is. What a cutie.

She giggles. "You're such a tall guy."

"You're such a small girl." She continues to giggle and looks away, still giggling as she walks to the bathroom. Still.....giggling.

Her giggling stops as I hear the shower run, I watch as she steps inside the shower then continues to giggle even more.

"YOU'RE SO WEIRD!" I scream from the noise of the shower

She giggles even louder.

That's why I love you.
(Long A/N)
Please no hate for bringing up the holocaust, I know that the situation of what happened to the Jewish was extremely serious and important that there should be no joke about it, yes I understand. I don't mean any harm to any who may feel offended. The history of the holocaust is probably one of the things I've learned that I probably will treasure. I've cried hearings about and trust me, just researching and watching documentaries or movies about it made me want to just literally hug everyone. I think we should all show some respect, especially since January 30th is when the holocaust started, just wanted to give a reminder to people that this month around the 1930's must've been stressful for some Germans or Jewish. Let's give the respect. I'm no Jewish but my heart and love gives to all.

Hope you understand.
- helobangsie ❤️

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