Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
"Oh, I already knew that cause, yah know. Your like the.. Umm. Yah.." I fiddle with pages on my journal, looking towards the cement floor the whole time, the only thing to be heard are the people's conversations and smashing wine bottles, insane laughs and colorful music flashing throughout the bar.

I look back at him, noticing he's already been staring, with a smirk plastered among his chiseled face. He drops the cigarette on the floor, scrunching it up with his leather black boots.

"Cool, what do you need?" Weird, he questioned me in the nicest way possible, yet I feel so intimidated.

"Oh.. Nothing. I-i just wanted to talk I guess.. Since your not drunk I guess I can talk to you properly." I try my best to smile.. but i probably ended up looking like a dork.

"You don't drink do you?" He comes closer in interest.

"No.. Not really. I drank once before and ended up on the floor of a kitchen.. I try not to do it again. I can just imagine what will happen. I mean if I do weird things when I sleep I suppose I would do something way stupider when I'm drunk." My eyes widen at the thought.. That day was very, odd.

"Do you drink?" I ask


"Oh, really? Don't you just feel so groggy the next day? It disgust me. "

"You talk a lot." He sighs looking away.

"That's what my mother says, I blab all day and I eventually do--"

"Your doing it again. It's intimidating."

"Sorry.." I look down as my cheeks flush in embarrassment. He is something.

"Your adorable you know that that?" I look back at him as he smirks, I can't help but smile. Ok maybe he's not that bad.

I put my journal back on the table and continue to write some things about him.

"Intimidating, yet nice.. Who is this guy?"

"What are you doing?"

Uhh totally not writing things about you. Haha :)

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