Chapter 13

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That's Arianas outfit btw! Yes she's wearing a dress and the picture shows a top.. Just imagine the bottom half. Haha ^ 💓💓
"Harry. Where are we going?" I ask him as we run around the park.

"You'll see, stop complaining."

"B-but my feet hurt!" He chuckles and I scream in surprise as he carries me on his back and continues to run. "Bloody hell Harry!"

"Shhh! We're almost there!" My smile widens at this adventure; as we enter through strings of flowery vines. Just like those movies!

As we entered there were trees, such as a forest. He continues running until we spot a treehouse. He stops and let's me down. "Harry.. Are you okay?" I watch as he puts his hands on his knees and pants for breath. "Better than ever." He grabs my waist and spins me around. I laugh "Harry what's going on? Haha."

"Come here my princess." He grabs my hand and helps me climb up the treehouse, as I still have pondering questions overflowing my head. Sigh.

"Harry, this is not the first time I've asked. Where are we? And What are we doing?" He snickers as he plays with the bracelet on my wrist. "Ariana, welcome to my childhood."

I give him a look; knowing that I'm still questioning about his "childhood"

"I'd come here everyday when I was younger. Here id play with my toys, and have imaginative little games where I save the princess.. "He kisses the back of my palm. My cheeks turn Crimson.. "...from the slaying fire breathing dragon."

"Why thank you my knight in shining armor." He smirks bringing me closer to him as we sit on the wooden floor.



Ok Ariana.. This is your chance. ASK HIM WHAT YOU GUYS ARE.

"What are we?" I close my eyes in fright.

"What do you think?" He smiles giving me a peck on my cheek.

I look at him and smile at his gestures, what surprised me most is what he just did. He kissed me.

He grabs my chin and pulls me closer, forcing me to kiss him and I did. Damn his lips are soft. He moans into the kiss as my hands were scrunching up in his curls.

We let go and stare at each other's eyes in lust, I couldn't help but smile and so did he.

"Cutie." He spoke.

I kiss him again and he holds my waist this time. I felt explosions go throughout my body but it felt so good.
Fudge I love him.
This chapter is so freaking cliche... Eheh❤️❤️❤️

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